Lee Hye-seong “Enrolled in Seoul National University → Lost 35kg due to obsession with appearance and binge ate”

by times news cr

2024-07-31 01:12:38

YouTube Sebashi capture

Broadcaster Lee Hye-seong said that she lost 35 kg through extreme dieting during her college years.

On the 29th, Lee Hye-seong revealed her life story through the YouTube channel ‘Sebashi Lecture’.

Lee Hye-seong looked back, saying, “During my school days, while other friends would eat lunch and chat, I continued to study. I would go eat when the cafeteria line got shorter. When it got worse, I would get migraines and vomit. I would go to the infirmary and complain about the pain, and I would worry about what would happen if the teacher’s words from class were on the test.”

He added, “No matter how hard I studied, there were people who were smarter and better than me. I studied with a driven mind, thinking that I was not good enough.”

While studying like that, I was able to enter the business administration department of Seoul National University, which I had hoped for. Lee Hye-seong said, “And was I happy? I had to go to the hospital to treat my back and neck pain from sitting on a chair for 16 hours every day.” She added, “I was overwhelmed by mental emptiness. Was my life goal to enter college? Was that the right life goal? Only then did I look back. I really wandered a lot.”

Lee Hye-seong needed a new goal. As an adult, people around her started talking about her ‘appearance’. She said, “When I went to college, no one told me to study, but instead told me to look pretty. Everyone went to the gym, wore high heels, and put on makeup. When I was wandering around, my new goal was to diet and take care of my appearance.”

She continued, “I lived an extremely ascetic life. I carried around unsalted chicken breast and raw cucumbers with me. I couldn’t make plans to eat out because I was afraid I would gain weight if I ate regular food. I lifted excessive weights while dieting.” She added, “I thought I wasn’t pretty enough.”

Then, he looked back and said, “I lost 35 kg, but that was ridiculous. It’s not a sustainable weight. I started college less than six months ago and then I started binge eating. That led to extreme exercise. When I started working out, I jumped rope 10,000 times and ran 20 km. Then, when I started binge eating, I ate two boxes of donuts in one sitting.”

There was a time when she suddenly felt sad and cried while eating a donut hidden in the closet. Lee Hye-seong said that she went to a cafe and wrote a letter to her mother. She said, “The reason I eat so much is not because I can’t control my appetite, but because I feel empty and unstable, so I asked her to wait a little longer during this time,” she said, choking up.

Lee Hye-seong said, “In high school, I ran to get into a good university, in college, I ran to have good looks, and during my college graduation season, I ran to get a good job as a KBS announcer.” She looked back and said, “Who sets the standard for goodness? It didn’t come from within me. It was the university, looks, and job that other people said were good.”

(Seoul = News 1)

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2024-07-31 01:12:38

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