Lega Serie A presents its sustainability strategy in Milan – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-09-04 19:10:00

Milan, 4 Sept. – (time.news) – This afternoon, at the Feltrinelli Foundation in Milan, the event “Calcio Social Responsibility – 20 realities, a single team in the field for Sustainability” was held, organized by Lega Serie A to present its Sustainability Strategy 2030.

Lega Serie A has been chosen by UEFA to launch a pilot project, after years of growing commitment to all its social responsibility activities. This is a prestigious acknowledgment from the highest body of European football, which has identified Lega Serie A as the first football league to embark on an ambitious path, which aims to pursue and implement the sustainability objectives set by 2030, monitoring and measuring the results through specific performance indicators.

The “2030 Sustainability Strategy” can count on the collaboration and unity of all 20 Clubs to make Sustainability issues a priority aspect. The projects that will be developed are divided into 11 policies, of which 7 on human rights and 4 on environmental protection.

“Our Sustainability Strategy was unanimously approved by the Assembly last May, thanks to the strong impetus of UEFA which indicated Serie A as the pilot League for structuring a series of actions. We’ve been doing some of these for some time, but they weren’t part of a structured medium- and long-term vision. The pillars of the strategy we have presented today are the protection of the environment and the protection of human rights, in particular the fight against all forms of violence and discrimination. In all cases there is always a cultural theme, so it is essential to start from the roots of the club and above all from the school – declared Lorenzo Casini, President of Lega Serie A -. Once again this season, an initiative to raise awareness of these issues will be promoted on the occasion of each day of the Championship. We hope for an ever greater involvement of the players in order to reach all the fans directly, especially the younger ones”.

“Football has an important social role, we must never forget that. Also this season we will promote important initiatives, we will collaborate with associations that help others on a daily basis. The collaboration with UEFA has served to better organize and plan all these activities, to which we will give great visibility thanks to all our communication tools – said Luigi De Siervo, CEO of Lega Serie A -. Probably the biggest challenge to face is against racism, a scourge not of Italian football, but global. The context of the stadium often doesn’t help, this is a cultural step we have to take, starting from home, from our children, from our friends. Lega Serie A is seriously tackling all these challenges and for this one in particular we are carrying on our Keep Racism Out campaign”.

“I thank the President Casini, the Chief Executive Officer De Siervo and the entire Lega Serie A for the journey undertaken together. UEFA has chosen Lega Serie A to launch a pilot project as we have seen the will to do something concrete. For us, a ‘pilot project’ means trying to apply what UEFA does in terms of the development process of sustainability to football. Italian football was already doing a lot, especially for the protection of human rights. However, it is necessary to start from the people, for this reason it is important that every Federation, every League, every Club has an internal CSR manager and for this reason UEFA has changed the regulations, the presence of this figure has become mandatory – said Michele Uva, UEFA Director of Social & Environmental Sustainability -. UEFA can be an inspiration, we have tried to convey a message of attention to sustainability, but everyone’s collaboration is needed and it must be understood that sustainability is linked to the success of football”.

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