Legal reform: the inscription “Enemy of the people” was sprayed on the house of Yariv Levin

by time news

Against the background of the protest against the legal reform: This morning (Friday) the house of the Minister of Justice was sprayed, Rival Levin, in the city of Modi’in, address “Yariv Levin – Enemy of the People”. This, while he is sitting shiva over his father who passed away this week. In the meantime, the police started an investigation, along with scans and examination of documentation at the scene.

The event caused a great uproar in the political system, when Knesset members from the opposition also strongly condemned it. Member of Knesset Zeev Elkin (The state camp) tweeted on his Twitter account: “Crazy people, stop! We are brothers, one people. Rivals, so you don’t know any more sorrow.” Also the chairman of the state camp, member of the Knesset Benny Gantz attacked harshly, and tweeted: “I have a deep disagreement with Justice Minister Levin about the regime revolution he is promoting and I will do everything possible to prevent him from succeeding in his plan that will fatally harm democracy. But even when the house is on fire, limits must be set. I condemn the spraying of graffiti near his house. The demonstrations to preserve democracy are critical, hate speech and incitement – illegitimate.”

Also, the member of the Knesset Mickey Zohar (The Likud) also commented on the incident and wrote: “The severe hate speech that was sprayed on the house of Yariv Levin while he was sitting on his father, is the result of an organized campaign of incitement designed to sow hatred against us. We are democratically implementing the will of the voter and bringing about a long-awaited change. The incitement and lies that democracy Ours is in danger is a spin designed to deter the public. The reform will be completed.”

As I recall, last February, another serious incident occurred, when a campaign sign supporting legal reform in Bnei Brak, and bearing the faces of Justice Minister Levin and Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Rothman, was vandalized by spraying black spray that presented the two as Hitler. Also, other signs of the campaign that were posted throughout the country were vandalized, when stickers were pasted on the two and the faces of Levin and Rothman were painted over.

The vandalized sign with the faces of Levin and Rothman (Photo: 0404 News site)

The vandalized sign with the faces of Levin and Rothman (Photo: 0404 News site)

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