Legislative 2017: Marie-George Buffet retains her seat in Seine-Saint-Denis

by time news

MP since 2002, the figure of the PCF Marie-George Buffet was re-elected in the 4th district of Seine-Saint-Denis, in a context of very high abstention (70.38%). “I think I am re-elected up to 60%,” said the former national secretary of the Communist Party initially. His final result was finally 59.63%.

Arrived in the lead in the first round with 32.80%, Buffet did not however have the won part in advance against the candidate LREM Prisca Thevenot, who had collected 25.20%.

In the first round of the presidential election, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top with 40.44% of the vote, ahead of Emmanuel Macron (20.66%) and Marine Le Pen (15.11%). . In the second round, the 4th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis had Emmanuel Macron (77.12%) and Marine Le Pen (22.88%) in the lead.

In the last legislative elections, Marie-George Buffet had already come out on top in the first round with 33.64% of the vote, qualifying alongside PS candidate Najia Amzal (30.49%). In the second round, voters only had the choice of the Marie-George Buffet ballot, the socialist candidate having withdrawn in favor of the communist candidate.

Results of the first round in the 4th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis :

Christine Cerrigone (LR) 17,52%Priscilla Thevenot (LREM) 25,20%Nabiha Rezkalla (EELV) 2.84% Nicolas Bresteau (DIV) 1.16% Gilles Clavel (FN) 10.35% Lahcène Charrouf (DIV) 1.23% Serge Fournet (EXG) 1.29%Marie-George Buffet (PCF) 32,80%Najia Amzal (PS) 6.63%Alain Bozaric (ECO) 0.96%

Abstention in the constituency is 66.77%.

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