Legislative 2022: Meaux, the city of Jean-François Copé, torn between LFI and the RN

by time news

Sunday evening, Béatrice Roullaud admits it: she fell from the wardrobe, or almost. A few days before the legislative elections, the candidate of the National Rally (RN) had certified it to her friends: “I know very well that I will not pass the first round. Like the last time… Monday, I go back to my lawyer files. » However, here that when arriving at the prefecture, this June 12 after the closing of the poll, we congratulate her. Not only does she qualify for the second round, in the 6e constituency of Seine-et-Marne, but she comes in slightly ahead, ahead of Valérie Delage, the candidate of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). In 2017, neither had made it past the first round, dominated by the candidates Les Républicains (LR) and La République en Marche (LRM).

Meaux offers a striking example of the new political order. With the collapse of the classic right and the decline of the macronists, no less than 61 duels will oppose, on June 19, a far-right candidate to a representative of Nupes. Including 35 unpublished fights with La France insoumise (LFI), as in Meaux and in the neighboring district, that of Mitry-Mory.

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A polarization from which Béatrice Roullaud, the past surprise, hopes to come out a winner. Since she is facing a direct representative of LFI, she plays on it. “Hello, I am in the second round, and I have as a competitor the Nupes of Mr. Mélenchonshe says, Tuesday, June 14, entering a household appliance store in the city center. You know, he’s the one who said, “Police kill.” » She hands the shopkeeper the leaflet showing her with Marine Le Pen. “You know me, you know I’m a sensible person, she adds, recalling that she bought a refrigerator in the shop. My president is also moderate. There is nothing excessive in his program. »

“Militant Abstention”

She goes to the butcher. “You will have to make a choice on Sunday between Mr. Mélenchon and me, she slips. I am for the chicken we eat in our canteens to come from France. It is time that we send the maximum number of RN deputies to the Assembly to protect the people who live in France. » A few minutes later, here she is in a dog grooming shop. Three employees are busy around a poodle. “I have a small lead in voice over Nupes, but very little, it will be complicated. So Sunday, it will really depend on everyone. »

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Béatrice Roullaud has a few reasons to believe it. In this constituency held until then by LR, Marine Le Pen won 49.48% of the vote in the second round of the presidential election, 7 points more than the national average. Valérie Delage’s voice reserves seem weaker. Here, the left totaled only 34.1% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election, and 31.7% in the legislative elections.

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