Legislative 2022: the LREM majority accuses EELV and the PS of “denying” their convictions with attempts to unite on the left

by time news

“Betrayal”, “disappearance”, “abandonment” of ideas… LREM raises its tone. Members of the presidential majority on Monday criticized the agreement sealed on Sunday between La France insoumise (LFI) and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) for the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, 2022, as well as the ongoing discussions with the Socialist Party (PS). According to them, these calculations confirm the denial of the convictions of these two parties.

“Incredible all these people supposedly steeped in principle, ready to abandon all conviction (…) for a handful of constituencies. And they want to rule our country? “Launched the deputy La République en Marche Sacha Houlié on Twitter.

“What awaits the parties, in particular the Socialist Party, if they accept this alliance, it is quite simply a disappearance of their ideas, and also a disappearance of their political party”, predicted on RFI Aurore Bergé, deputy president of the LREM group at the National Assembly.

EELV “allies with Europhobic populist”

While discussions are continuing with the PS and the Communist Party, Fabienne Keller, MEP for Renew/LREM and vice-president of Agir, strongly reprimanded the environmentalist party EELV, which “now has no more Europe than the name “. “For some legislative constituencies, the party denies its historic European commitment and allies itself with a Europhobic populist,” she denounced on Twitter.

Former Republican member Éric Woerth, who joined the Macron camp before the presidential election, pointed to CNews “political agreements” and the fact that there is “ideologically no coherence” between the parties of the left who want to ally themselves. For the PS “it is a betrayal of the ideas” of this party: “You cannot be socialist and anti-European (…). And if you want to rule Europe alone, you will go rule it elsewhere, but not in Europe, because it doesn’t work that way. »

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