Legislative 2022: the Radical Left Party refuses to participate in the union around LFI

by time news

The radicals say no. The Radical Left Party (PRG) has refused to negotiate with other left-wing political forces and will present its own candidates in the legislative elections on June 12 and 19, its president Guillaume Lacroix announced on Monday. “We cannot put the PRG label next to candidates against European universalism,” the president of the center-left party told the press, while LFI and the ecologists have already reached an agreement.

Disagreements between the PRG and the People’s Union (LFI) on “the secular republic”, the exit from nuclear power and, more particularly, “disobedience” to the European treaties justified the absence of the PRG at the negotiating table. Refusing to apply the directives of the European Union, “is to acknowledge the weakness of France”, argued Guillaume Lacroix.

“The PRG is not intended to be a recycling center”

The president of the PRG assured that it was necessary to “start by saying” his agreement to European disobedience in order to negotiate with the delegation of rebellious France. “I don’t know how to become an à la carte European in five days,” said Guillaume Lacroix, adding that he had discussed “informally” with the leader of LFI, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, last week.

Faced with the absence of an agreement, Guillaume Lacroix announced that the PRG would present under its colors “a hundred candidates” in the legislative elections, asserting the “independence” of his party. “We have not opened any exchanges with La République en Marche or the presidential majority”, argued the leader of the PRG, just as no agreement was reached with possible candidates of the Socialist Party opposed to an alliance. . “The PRG is not intended to be a recycling center” for socialist dissidents, quipped Guillaume Lacroix.

The president of the party declared that he will not be a candidate for a parliamentary seat, preferring to “invest massively in the national campaign. The PRG, which stood back from Christiane Taubira’s failed presidential candidacy, has three deputies in the current legislature.

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