Legislative: age, profession, standard of living… who voted what?

by time news

Almost equal scores, but which hide big differences. The Together! coalition, bringing together the presidential party LREM and its allies, comes just behind the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) at the national level in the first round of the legislative elections, according to the latest Ipsos Sopra Steria estimate (25.2 % versus 25.6%). The National Rally comes third, with 19.1% of the votes cast. Projections in number of seats give Ensemble! a clear lead, but it is not guaranteed to retain an absolute majority. The RN, for its part, can hope to have a few dozen elected officials.

A survey carried out during the three days preceding the election by Ipsos Sopra Steria details the major sociological differences between each electorate. Unsurprisingly, they match those observed during the presidential election. Here’s what to remember.

Young pro-Nupes…

42% of 18-24 year olds and 38% of 25-34 year olds said they intended to vote for a Nupes candidate, compared to 13% and 19% respectively in favor of the candidate Together !. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his socialist, ecologist and communist allies can therefore rejoice in having attracted young people, who abstain more. Conversely, the elderly have very little leaned towards the union of the left.

…the most precarious too

34% of voters living in a household earning less than 1,250 euros net per month say they want to vote for Nupes, against only 22% of those who receive more than 3,000 euros monthly. Conversely, 19% of respondents belonging to the lowest income class and 28% of those who earn the most money intended to turn to a candidate with the presidential majority.

“Emmanuel Macron had public policy orientations that benefited people with a lot of heritage, and he structurally consolidated his electoral base. With his destruction of the Republicans and the Socialist Party, this electorate focused more on him, ”analyzed political scientist Olivier Rouquan after the first round of the presidential election, interviewed by Le Parisien.

This very clear contrast can also be seen at the level of the social background declared by each of the participants in the survey. 29% of voters living in disadvantaged areas and 32% of those belonging to working classes intended to vote for the candidate Nupes, against – respectively – 8% and 19% in favor of the candidate Together!.

The RN refuels among the workers

The working class shunned the Nupes. Only 18% of voters exercising this profession intended to vote for the candidate of the Union of the Left, while 45% wanted to turn to the candidate of the National Rally. “We live on the idea that the worker is necessarily on the left, but, in reality, there is a shift in the worker vote to the right and especially to the far right”, according to the sociologist Crépon, quoted by Le Monde .

Retirees lean towards Together!

Still in terms of professional status, 35% of retirees replied that the candidate of LREM and its allies would have their favor. The controversy around the rise in the CSG at the start of Macron’s first five-year term – “you really pumped us up”, a retiree had shouted at him – seems to have been forgotten.

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