Legislative: Blanquer, Borne, Dupond-Moretti … these ministers who will try their luck

by time news

If Emmanuel Macron makes the suspense last over the next reshuffle, many members of the government want to continue the political adventure… on the benches of the National Assembly. Thus, Jean-Michel Blanquer could be a candidate in Loiret. The 4th constituency was offered to him, his entourage confirmed. After having given up leading the LREM list in Île-de-France during the last regional elections, the Minister of Education, who has never had an electoral mandate, “is interested” in this constituency, held by LR and where Marine Le Pen came out on top in both rounds of the presidential election.

Like him, several ministers from civil society want to try their luck in the elections on June 12 and 19. Although no nomination has been officially announced yet. Unhappy candidate for the regional elections in Hauts-de-France, Éric Dupond-Moretti will, according to information from France Inter, be a candidate in the 15th district of the North, in Hazebrouck, today occupied by an ex-LREM. Agnès Pannier-Runacher (Industry) would have chosen the 3rd from Pas-de-Calais, in Lens.

Véran wants to get back in, Darmanin is testing the ground next door

Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs, is targeting the 7th district of Paris, where the outgoing LREM deputy, Pacôme Rupin, will not run again. The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, is expected in the 6th district of Calvados, where the outgoing LREM throws in the towel. Heading for Val-de-Marne and its 8th constituency for Emmanuelle Wargon (Housing).

Other members of the government, elected or re-elected in 2017, should be candidates for re-election, such as Olivier Véran (Health) in Isère, Marc Fesneau (Relations with Parliament) in Loir-et-Cher or Joël Giraud (Cohesion territories) in the Hautes-Alpes. According to the Voix du Nord, Gérald Darmanin the Minister of the Interior, elected from the 10th constituency in the North, would be eyeing the 9th, where he was tested by a poll commissioned by LREM.

While her name was regularly cited, Marlène Schiappa will ultimately not be a candidate for deputy. Other ministers have already planned to stop politics, such as Cédric O (Digital), or Adrien Taquet (Childhood and Family).

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