Legislative: constituencies, retirement, Mélenchon in Matignon… what the agreement between the Insoumis and EELV contains

by time news

Words are not strong enough to salute the agreement that was reached last night. “Historic! “, we proclaim in the ranks of environmentalists and those of rebellious France. After several days and nights of negotiations, the two parties agreed overnight from Sunday to Monday to sign an agreement valid for the next legislative elections. A first step forward for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, engaged in a quest to unite the left to snatch as many seats as possible in the National Assembly. He even swears to be able to win the majority in the hemicycle if the left manages to present itself next June under the same banner.

Admittedly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had already shaken hands with representatives of Génération. s, the party created after the 2017 presidential election by Benoît Hamon. But concluding with the ecologists lends credibility to the idea of ​​a united left, as discussions continue on Monday with the socialists and the communists. Here are the main points of agreement between the ecologists and the rebels.

On the form: Mélenchon Prime Minister, 100 constituencies

The Federal Council of EELV validated the agreement negotiated over the past two weeks, by 84 votes for, 10 against, 8 white ballots and one person who did not participate in the vote. This agreement allocates in particular 100 constituencies for the environmental pole.

One of the great lessons of this agreement relates to the fact that the ecologists recognize without ambiguity the domination of the Insoumis on the left. A domination that will be important in case of victory. “On June 12 and 19, by their votes, we are proposing to the French men and women to set up a large rally based on the dynamics of the presidential campaign of the Popular Union paving the way for a majority in the Assembly national, we can read. In this perspective, the Prime Minister would come from the largest group in the Assembly, namely Jean-Luc Mélenchon. »

We knew that the tribune of rebellious France wanted to embody this union by settling in Matignon in the event of victory. He therefore insisted on having it mentioned explicitly. The press release adds that in the event of a global agreement, an event bringing together all the signatory forces will be organized on May 7th.

On the merits: retirement at 60, European disobedience

This agreement, of course, also covers the programmatic elements. “We wish to federate on the basis of an ambitious program, all the forces which share it, while respecting their plurality and their autonomy”, indicate LFI and EELV. “For clarity, we want to do it around a common banner New popular ecological and social union ».

Among the programmatic priorities are, among other things, “the increase in the minimum wage to 1,400 euros, the return to retirement at 60 for all, the guarantee of autonomy for young people, the freezing of prices on basic necessities and the eradication of poverty, ecological planning”, or even the Sixth Republic.

The two parties even reached a compromise on Europe, stipulating that “France, a founding country of the European Union, cannot have as its policy either the exit from the Union, nor its disintegration, nor the end of the currency unique “. A message hammered out this Monday morning by Julien Bayou on BFMTV, who swore that an exit from the European Union will never be put on the table.

But in accordance with the wishes of LFI, for the application of the program and “to overcome certain blockages”, it will be necessary to be “ready to disobey certain European rules (in particular economic and budgetary)”. Finally, the two forces say they are “taking all the means” so that the inclusion in this alliance of the PS and the PCF is achieved.

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