Legislative in Paris: Sarkozy receives all the right-wing candidates in his constituency

by time news

In an election, if one vote equals one vote, not all supporters are equal. The candidates for the legislative elections in the 14th district of Paris (16th arrondissement) have understood this well. In this west of Paris where the vast majority of ballots bearing the seal of the right are seized, there is a voter whose aura it is good to be able to solicit. Thus, Nicolas Sarkozy has he received or planned to receive the three candidates who claim to be from the right and have all one day possessed the same membership card of the UMP or LR.

The Walker Benjamin Haddad thus opened the ball ten days ago, as revealed by Le Figaro. According to our information, Sébastien Pilard, member of the political office of Reconquest, the party of Éric Zemmour, was able to exchange with him on Monday. The lawyer and mayor (LR) of the XVIth Francis Szpiner must see him this week, according to the entourage of the ex-president.

Division of votes from the right in the 16th arrondissement

Benjamin Haddad, 36 years old and researcher in international relations, was national secretary of the UMP and participated in Nicolas Sarkozy’s campaigns in 2007 and 2012: it is in this capacity that he was able to exchange, for about an hour, with the “boss”, who would have given him some advice for his campaign.

From there to support it? If the young candidate would have liked to take advantage of it, the entourage of the former head of state asserts an “emotional relationship” with the neo-walker, and does not seem to be considering getting wet personally in the context of this election. . A support that Francis Szpiner would probably also like to boast, while Emmanuel Macron achieved the pharaonic score of 46.66% in the first round of the presidential election in this constituency, against 14.16% for Valérie Pécresse.

It is unlikely that the zemmourist Sébastien Pilard would have considered being supported by Sarkozy, even if he was his spokesperson during the 2016 pre-presidential campaign, and probably won his appointment under this commitment past. Éric Zemmour won 16.35% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election in this constituency, one of his best scores in France. With such a division of votes from the right in the 16th arrondissement, Nicolas Sarkozy considers that the political game is “fairly open”.

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