Legislative: in the event of a PS-LFI agreement, Le Foll ready to “lead the campaign” of socialist dissidents

by time news

An agreement may well arrive, it will not. The socialist mayor of Le Mans Stéphane Le Foll said he was ready, this Wednesday morning on France 2, to “lead the campaign” for the legislative elections of the dissidents of the Socialist Party, if an agreement was reached between his party and rebellious France. At the same time, the PS rightly announced that it had reached an “agreement in principle” with LFI on the constituencies. A “global agreement”, he “is on the right track”, according to the management of the PS.

“For all those who are going to be candidates anyway because they will not accept the agreement, we must lead this campaign”, launched Stéphane Le Foll on the set of 4 Truths. “There is another left, there is a left which must rebuild itself and which must rebuild a political line which is not the one which has been followed for five years”, estimates the elected official, one of the main opponents to Olivier Faure within the PS.

Since the beginnings of an alliance between the Socialists and the formation of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who, according to him, embodies “the left of the past”, the former minister of François Hollande is upwind. “If this socialist party continues to be as it is today, with Olivier Faure, it is you agree with me, otherwise you leavethis party which is shrinking, which is shrinking, I will of course leave”, affirms Stéphane Le Foll, considering it necessary to “build the left of the future”.

Cazeneuve also ready to leave the PS

Leave, maybe, but not right away. “I’m also not going to say I’m leaving right away – I still intend to lead a bit of a political debate”, adds Stéphane Le Foll this Wednesday. However, the person concerned did not specify whether he intended to be a candidate for the legislative elections himself. He had given up his previous mandate in 2018 in favor of his deputy Sylvie Tolmont, to devote himself to that of mayor of Le Mans.

If the Socialist Party ended up splitting between pro-agreement and anti-agreement with LFI, Stéphane Le Foll could count on another figurehead of Dutch socialism. Regretting that its leaders have “lost their compass” of “republican socialism”, former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced on Tuesday that he would leave the PS if an agreement with the Insoumis were to succeed.

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