Legislative: negotiations between LFI and environmentalists stalled

by time news

It’s not a clash but it looks like it. Yet started on April 21, discussions between rebellious France and environmentalists have stalled. “We believe it is possible to reach an agreement, but it is up to LFI to take the initiative to resume discussions. Because being a leader does not give any rights but only duties”, launched this Wednesday April 27 Julien Bayou, who denounces the “hegemonic will” of the Insoumis.

This turnaround is all the more surprising since, until now, the national secretary of EELV (like Sandrine Rousseau) has appeared to be rather open to negotiation, unlike Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate for the presidential election (4.6 % of votes in the first round), more suspicious of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and in favor of a rally with the Socialists.

“We first asked for 32 constituencies out of the top 100, they told us 16”

On the side of the Insoumis (who are launching their poster campaign with the slogan “Mélenchon Prime Minister”), they deny any responsibility for the suspension of negotiations. “This Tuesday, during a meeting with the EELV delegation, we asked that the programmatic elements be definitively clarified before resuming our discussions”, underlines, in a press release, the movement of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

However, although fundamentally pro-European, EELV agreed to drink the chalice, almost to the dregs. Since, with the exception of “disobedience to the treaties”, which they demanded the exit of the programmatic platform for the legislative elections, the Greens have almost said yes to all the conditions issued by the Insoumis. Another reservation put forward by the ecologists: to constitute, with all the left-wing parties, a “coalition” and not a “union” and this, under a banner which would not be that of the Popular Union, dear to the Insoumis, but of a “Popular Ecological and Social Union. »

But the reason for this divorce, for the moment provisional, comes more from the “sharing of places”. According to the Greens, the Insoumis have remained with the rule of pro rata results in the presidential election, that is, for the ecologists, 20% of the constituencies potentially winnable by the left. “The number of deputies matters”, explained Julien Bayou denouncing the “liar poker” of the Insoumis. “We first asked for 32 constituencies out of the top 100, they told us 16,” he added. A federal council of EELV will be held on Saturday to decide on the follow-up (or not) to be given to the negotiations.

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