Legislative: the ecologist expelled from a press conference of Le Pen candidate in Boulogne-Billancourt

by time news

The image made the media rounds. A few days after the first round of the presidential election, Pauline Rapilly-Ferniot had been released military hands of a press conference by Marine Le Pen after taking out a heart-shaped sign showing the RN candidate and Vladimir Poutine.

VIDEO. Presidential 2022: a demonstrator expelled from a Marine Le Pen press conference

This Tuesday, it is for another reason that the ecologist returns to the news, since she announced her candidacy for the legislative elections in Boulogne-Billancourt, where she is a municipal councilor.

She will represent “the colors of the New Popular Ecologist and Social Union”, she announced on her Twitter account. Late in the evening of Sunday, the Ecologists and France Insoumise had reached an agreement for the legislative elections. It is in this context that Pauline Rapilly-Ferniot, who was on the EELV list during the municipal elections of 2020, is a candidate for the legislative elections next June.

Cut in the middle of the municipal council

The fight is far from won in advance, in the 9th district of Hauts-de-Seine. Currently, it is Thierry Solère, a former member of the Republicans who joined LREM in 2017, who is the elected representative of this area formed by the north-east, north-west and south cantons of Boulogne-Billancourt.

Member of the Ibiza collective – notably famous for staging a lookalike of Jean-Michel Blanquer – Pauline Rapilly-Ferniot had announced in mid-April to Parisian that she was considering filing a complaint for the way she had been taken out of the press conference of Marine Le Pen, which she did a few days later.

Last year, she also unveiled a video on social networks showing that her microphone had been cut off in full municipal council while she denounced the sexist actions of certain elected officials.

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