Legislative: the results of the first round for the National Rally

by time news

“I need you”: until the end, Marine Le Pen will have called on her voters to mobilize. The latest polls, however, showed how much voters sensitive to the ideas of the National Rally were the last to want to mobilize.

On the evening of this first round, with candidates in 569 of the 577 constituencies, the National Rally won 18.9% of the vote nationwide, according to a new projection by the Ipsos Sopra Steria institute. This figure does not determine the number of seats that the former National Front will be able to win, nor the number of constituencies in which it came first. In the presidential election, won first place in 150 of them.

Candidate for re-election in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, and her stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont, Marine Le Pen affirmed on June 5 that “if all our voters come out to defend our ideas, we will be able to send between 100 and 150 deputies to the next Assembly”. She also kept repeating that her 42% in the second round of the presidential election should lead to obtaining at least sixty deputies, not less. That is eight times more than the workforce for the 2017-2022 term. But contrary to his promise, Emmanuel Macron has not introduced any dose of proportionality to the legislative voting system, which favors large families or political alliances.

On a personal note, the member for the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais is a hair’s breadth from being re-elected in the first round. According to provisional results, it obtains 54.8% but with only 23.4% of the registered voters, whereas it is necessary to gather 25% of the registered voters to be elected on the first evening. In the presidential election, Marine Le Pen won 63% of the vote in her constituency.

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