Legislative: what are your constituency and your candidates in the second round?

by time news

It’s the end of the democratic ball that has lasted for almost 3 months in France. At the end of the second round of the legislative elections this Sunday, June 19, we will know the face of the new National Assembly and the 577 deputies who compose it. If you are still hesitating about the political color of your vote a few hours before going to cast your ballot in the ballot box, make sure you know who the candidates still are. The Ministry of the Interior has published the official list of candidates for this election, constituency by constituency.

By entering your postal address in the search engine below, you will obtain the constituency to which you belong and the list of candidates running for this second round.

The last update dates from June 15, 2022. This search engine uses the postal coordinates provided by the National Address Base of Etalab, as well as the outline of the official districts published on data.gouv.fr. We do not collect any personal data.

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