legitimate? This is the huge amount that Hanan Ben Ari demanded for the show

by time news

Knitted News06.07.22 19:54 7 Tammuz Tishpev

legitimate?  This is the huge amount that Hanan Ben Ari demanded for the show

(Photo: Olivia Fitoussi / Flash 90)

It turns out that the crocheted singer Hanan Ben-Ari, who on the last Independence Day boasted of giving up a tour of the main stages around the country in favor of a performance for soldiers – takes care to make up for the loss on weekdays. Mako Music first reported that the Netanya municipality complied with Ben Ari’s demands and would pay him more than half a million shekels for a performance in front of 5,000 people.

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Only 5,000 tickets – for a place that contains 25,000

The Netanya municipality contacted Ben-Ari’s people a few weeks ago for a quote for a performance at a park in the city. In response, Ben Ari returned with the astronomical price tag – NIS 535,000 (before VAT) and the condition to limit the sale of tickets for only 5,000 people, when the place itself can accommodate about 25,000.

Mayor (Photo: Miriam Ulster / Flash 90)

It is important to note that in addition to the price that Ben-Ari demands, the municipality must spend another NIS 500,000 for expenses related to the show, such as licensing, logistics and security.

The municipality tried to find an economic model that would help them finance the huge expense: early ticket sales at a subsidized cost of between NIS 170-150 for a show to be held on August 16. The practice of selling tickets to shows by municipalities is common, but it is customary to charge a subsidized token price. In this case, where the artist received what he demanded, the Netanya municipality actually charges a price that residents can pay for other Ben Ari performances in nearby cities. Performances in which all the associated expenses are on the artist and are not funded by the residents’ money.

A show in “Imaginary Conditions”

In a letter sent to Fairberg-farmer Aaron Orgad, a member of the city council and acting mayor in charge of the culture portfolio, he tried to prevent the show from taking place at its current costs on the grounds that it was a show of “imaginary conditions.” “There is a limit to every trick. Spending over half a million shekels from the public coffers for one show is crazy in my eyes and not just mine. Together with the licensing, logistics and security costs, the expense will be over a million shekels.”

(Photo: Mandy Hechtman)

According to Orgad, the mayor announced the show without accepting his signature as head of the city’s culture department. “The show is not free admission for all Netanya residents who pay taxes but only for those who buy a ticket for about 150 shekels, and probably many will not be from the city of Netanya at all (ticket sales are open to everyone on the various sites – etc.). In any case we will lose hundreds of thousands and not. For all our residents. “

In an attempt to find a solution and as a former radio man, Orgad turned to Ben-Ari himself, hoping to find a sympathetic ear in him.


The Netanya Municipality responded: “We are proud of the decision to bring to Netanya one of the highest quality and leading artists in the country, which appeals to a variety of audiences, religious and secular alike and make it accessible to the public in Netanya who often find it difficult to travel outside the city to see great shows. Jerusalem, Megiddo Regional Council, Caesarea and others, which also hosted these artists, it should be noted that Netanya is considered a cultural leader that provides a platform for first-rate artists beyond the original festivals it initiates and creates, including the ‘Festival’ that leverages Israeli art, Clown Festival, Tremolo Festival For percussion and more.

They added: “The municipality also works tirelessly to produce holiday and festival events, to hold exhibitions in the various galleries in the city, to establish cultural institutions in the city and for cultural education. In any case – in view of the costs of the show, Netanya and the Moments Association, so that in cooperation with all parties and based on the sale of tickets, no financial deficit is expected. Especially those that appear in the independence celebrations.This is not the case with regard to the costs of artists who appear during the year.We will continue our work for the public, all year round and in the summer days in particular.

On behalf of Hanan Ben Ari it was reported: “As far as is known and agreed with us, the show is funded by the sale of tickets, as happens at every show. The coverage of expenses comes from the sale of tickets.”

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