Legs not amputated, treated and rescued: a breakthrough in innovative treatment for diabetics

by time news

Israel leads in the percentage of amputation of legs among those suffering from wounds that are difficult to heal, due to diabetes or other injuries. Amputations occur as a result of continuous injury to the foot from which many diabetics suffer, as part of the damage of the disease. The injury causes hospitalizations and complications, such as the formation of a wound that does not heal and leads to severe cases of resection. As mentioned, there are hundreds of thousands of patients suffering from this in Israel.

In the Wound Clinic for Healing Difficulties from SHRP Plus, run by Dr. Henry Schwartz, the data are seen and shocked time and time again to see patients suffering from the problem and those who missed and reached resection, while this could have been prevented with innovative treatment from innovative and dedicated clinic patients.

This is a unique breakthrough that leads to a high recovery rate from wounds that are difficult to heal. The method has been successfully implemented, at PR Plus, as part of a medical innovation unique in the world, based on an integrated treatment plan that is specially tailored to the patient according to his condition. With the help of medical technology that includes intensive follow-up and individual treatment and makes it possible to achieve healing and recovery, even in complex situations in which ordinary medicine has given up and decided on amputation.

The main message of the director of the Wound Healing Clinic at Dr. Sharp Plus, Dr. Henry Schwartz, is that “even with diabetic wounds, it is possible to maintain the health of the toes. After much experience we treat people suffering from difficult-to-heal wounds, especially in the lower extremities, most of whom have been referred for amputation in public medicine and have been referred to another solution. Unfortunately, public medicine is in a hurry to pass judgment on those suffering from incurable wounds and transfer the case to Social Security, perhaps because patients suffering from incurable wounds are a burden on the health system. But it is important to know and internalize that there are medical solutions to these cases and for us the leg can be saved from amputation.

* Medical and technological innovation in wound healing and healing difficulties

SRP Plus believes that the right combination of advanced technology and personalized medicine is the right answer for those suffering from wounds that have difficulty healing. Our understanding of how to tailor the type of treatment to the patient, while incorporating the most innovative technology. This means that more than 1,000 patients have been able to save the leg from unnecessary amputation, about proper treatment by the experienced staff of doctors, nurses and caregivers, who are particularly skilled in the field of healing severe wounds professionally.

The innovative treatment method used by the clinic staff at SHRP Plus uses a range of professional tools such as therapeutic ultrasound devices, ozone gas treatment, lymphatic pressure, electrotherapy, innovative biological treatment and other complementary complementary services. The clinic staff also combines holistic guidance for patients, in other ways that diabetics deal with such as medical pedicures, insoles adapted to prevent wounds, lymphatic massage, food supplements, clinical diet and more.

The PLO emphasizes that experience shows that a wound that does not heal is a call to the body for immediate treatment. Delaying equal treatment in this case poses a danger of reaching an amputation of an organ. “Even if the usual treatment has become complicated and has reached a point where the doctors explain that the leg cannot be saved, we have other options and no hands should be raised.”

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