L’Espresso and the negotiation between Gedi and Bfc Media, journalists approve strike package: “Company has admitted willingness to sell”

by time news

“In fact, for the first time the willingness to sell“. The assembly of Espresso journalists approved a strike package after the meeting between the editorial committee (internal union representation) and the CEO of the Gedi group, Maurizio Scanavino. The announcement comes from a press release from the same cdr, which explains that he asked for “clarifications regarding the sales items dell’Espresso to the publishing group Bfc Media controlled by the Iervolino family “. The CEO Scanavino, according to the press release, stated that the company has not received “any formalized proposal”. For the editorial board it is an admission that the willingness to sell it is real, “after months of denials and statements to the contrary”.

For months there has been talk of the will of the Gedi group, passed from De Benedetti to Exor (Elkann) in 2019, to sell it weekly history founded in 1955 gives Carlo Caracciolo ed Eugenio Scalfari. The possible buyers, according to the most recent rumors, is Bfc Media, a publishing group acquired by Danilo Iervolino. The founder of the online university Pegaso has already become the new owner of the Salerno. It owes its fortune to Unipegaso, which it then sold to an English fund, Cvcfor a billion euros: hence the investment in the world ofpublishing acquiring the Bfc Media group, which edits magazines, among others Forbes Italy, Bluerating, Private and TV channels like Bike. But Iervolino’s interests are multiple and often linked to technology and his evolution.

Now the rumors about the ongoing negotiations to acquire the Espresso. “The Espresso editors denounce business plans which aim to cut a free and critical voice of the Italian journalistic scene, the newspaper founded by Carlo Caracciolo and Eugenio Scalfari from which the Espresso publishing group was born, the daily Republic which was then extended to include the Gedi group ”, reads the communiqué of the CDR. Who then adds: “We are worry for the fate of our weekly and all the newspapers of a publisher who has not done so scruple to define ‘non coherent with the strategies of the group ‘the first newsmagazine of Italian investigation “. Hence the announcement of the strike day package, “reserving any further initiative to protect the work of the editorial staff and the value of a newspaper with 67 years of historyprotagonist of civil, political and cultural battles that have had a decisive impact on our society ”, concludes the statement.

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