Less than 20 days away, TSE speeds up the logistics of Elections 2023

by time news

2023-06-09 00:58:39

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) presented this Thursday the advances in the logistics of the electoral process. Among these, he highlighted the location of the 24,427 voting centers that will be enabled for the 2023 General Elections, which will take place on June 25. These include 1,213 new Rural Municipal Electoral Districts.

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The TSE also announced that the protocol act to cast the first vote in the Elections will be held at the Don Bosco Salesian College. In addition, the Court reported that more than 50 percent of the ballots for the presidential election are printed.

In addition, they explained that, in the facilities of the Electoral Process Operations Center (COPE), there are already batches of ballots for the election of district deputies from Huehuetenango, Baja Verapaz and Quiché; they have also received from municipal corporations of Huehuetenango and Quiché.

“With these advances, it is estimated that by June 13 most of the ballots will be ready in COPE, then they will proceed to their packaging and programming of the transfer in the electoral boxes that will be delivered to the 24,427 Vote Receiving Boards,” they said. .

According to the information, this Thursday 54,900 bottles of rol-on type indelible ink were also received, which will be used to mark the voter’s right index finger, or another in its absence, as proof that they have already voted.

It should be noted that this ink is characterized by its biocide component to prevent the transmission of bacteria and viruses, a requirement made after the Covid-19 pandemic. It was prepared by the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico.

On the other hand, it was announced that, in the next few hours, compatriots abroad will be able to access the portal to find out their polling place and thus participate in the elections.

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