If the Covid infection curve continues inexorably to rise (yesterday the bulletin recorded 307 deaths) and all the most authoritative health-statistics studies indicate that the peak will be reached around March 20 (about 40 thousand infections per day), from that moment on it will begin a slow descent. And in Italy, in June, the number of victims could drop: “Less than 50 a day”. This is the forecast contained in a report on our country drawn up by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (Ihme), an organization (founded by Bill Gates) of the University of Washington School of Medicine, which provides the data to the White House.
The forecast, which gives a glimpse A light at the end of the tunnel, however, is based on the fulfillment of several virtuous conditions: that 95% of Italians continue to use the mask in public and that, above all, they finally take off mass vaccinations with 500,000 doses per day, in accordance with the new plan of the Draghi government. The prospect of the collapse of the dead, according to Washington experts, is also based on the consideration that about 10% of Italians are already immunized because already infected, even without knowing it (asymptomatic). The trend of the decrease trend of Italy, observing the statistical curves of the IHME, is similar to that of France e Germany, while for the Great Britain the outlook is much more positive, given the exceeding the peak and relative and sharp decline in infections.
March 7, 2021 (change March 7, 2021 | 10:09 am)
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