less than a week

by time news

2023-06-19 08:03:13

This week will probably be one of the most important in our future for the next four years of the country. This Sunday we have to be able as a society to understand that, with our vote, we are deciding who will be the people who will decide how our public resources will be invested. Is our democracy full? No, but that should not take away our responsibility as citizens to go vote.

Our suffrage strengthens institutional capacity.

Juan Carlos Zapata

According to the Democracy Index of the Intelligence Unit of The EconomistGuatemala is a country with a hybrid regime with an evaluation of 4.68 out of 10 and a rating of 98 out of 167 countries and although we have improved in the last year, our main setback was the result of a terrible reform of the Electoral and Political Parties Law. promoted in 2016 for totally spurious reasons and motives, which meant that far from advancing, our system began to fall into the trap of a series of arbitrariness and greater discretion of different officials that have made it increasingly difficult to explain and understand why Some politicians did manage to participate and others did not, it happened to us in the 2019 elections and it happened to us again now in these.

But that is what we have today, they are the laws with which we have decided to live in society and with them we must go to vote. This only makes this election more critical because precisely one of the main challenges of the next government must be to promote a change to the electoral law in the Congress of the Republic, taking into account some principles that have been mentioned by the Technical Alliance for Legislative Support. : “the modification of the system of election of deputies in order to bring them closer to their constituents, the increase in the period of office and the creation of a staggered election of the Plenary of TSE Magistrates, in order to guarantee their independence as judges of the process electoral, correcting current rules that are poorly designed or have proven to be unenforceable, democratizing the political system, especially allowing citizens to participate freely and correcting the static allocation of seats for electoral districts, which is currently unknown the constitutional principle of proportionality”.

We have to be able to reflect at the level of the presidency and vice presidency, who are the candidates, what is their resume, what have they done for the country, what are their moral values ​​and what ethical principles have they respected throughout their lives? . With this, it is also essential that it is known at the municipal level not only who is being proposed for mayor, but who will be the people who accompany him in the municipal Council and, above all, something that is crucially important now in this stage of development of our country is who we are going to vote for for deputies, both in the lists of our own district and at the national level, as well as the Central American Parliament.

Let us participate in this new civic festival as a society, let us contribute with the hope that we have a new opportunity, not to erase everything that has been done, because there are certainly things that this Government and some previous ones have done correctly, but rather to contribute, with more solid foundations, to our own institutions. It is our right as Guatemalans and a civic duty that strengthens and reaffirms confidence to continue consolidating our own democracy.

This coming Sunday, June 25, we have an appointment at the polls, let’s do it in peace and with dignity, to promote a free and peaceful process.


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