Less than half of the French population received an injection against Covid-19 in 2022

by time news

TRIBUNE – Despite the “all-vaccine” propaganda massively maintained by Emmanuel Macron, the government and the health authorities, a careful reading of the official data relating to the anti-Covid-19 vaccination allows a clear observation: the French who received an injection in 2022 represent less than 50% of the total population. The “vaccination pass” did not convince.

On January 4, 2022, Emmanuel Macron uttered this short sentence: “The non-vaccinated, I really want to piss them off”. Controversial remarks, considered by some to be a real provocation, which have aggravated the divide between the defenders of anti-Covid vaccination and people who want more guarantees as to the benefit-risk ratio of injections. Instead of hearing the proponents of the precautionary principle, instead of referring to the state of science, the government preferred to dig the furrow of constraint: the “sanitary pass” has been changed to “vaccination pass”.

Omicron Vs Business Plan

The pretext to justify the continuation of the “annoyance” of the non-vaccinated? The government was agitating the record incidence rate of the new Omicron variant (appeared at the end of 2021) and yet another “wave”, including in the overwhelmingly vaccinated population. If the narrative that presents vaccination as a necessity to achieve “herd immunity” was taking on water because of Omicron (rapid transmission and less potential gravity), the power and the health authorities continued headlong in the same direction: the all-vaccine, for the entire population, without any distinction, by means of liberticidal measures.

The vaccination pass came into effect on January 24, 2022. It did not have the expected lifespan. Perhaps in order not to compromise the electoral campaign of President Macron, candidate for his own succession: from March 14, 2022, the lifting of the “pass” is carried out. From the following autumn, booster doses using a “bivalent” vaccine are offered. The latter is supposed to protect against both the “wild” Wuhan strain, the Omicron variant and its sub-variants in circulation from the beginning of 2022 (BA.2 in January, BA.4 and 5 at the end of January, early February 2022).

The all-vaccine and the denigration of early care

Throughout 2022, the media says “mainstream” relayed this story-telling focused on the vaccination policy, always presented as the only way out of the epidemic. All other possible treatments, such as early treatments (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, azithromycin), have been brushed aside, mocked, denigrated, even banned.

The same was true for prophylactic measures – yet recommended by the Academy of Medicine – using vitamin D. The essential role of the latter in terms of prevention against serious forms of Covid-19 had however demonstrated by the randomized COVIT-TRIAL study from the end of May 2022 (study piloted by the Center Hospitalier d’Angers which was very little mentioned in the press).

A surprising situation to say the least when you consider that the medical dictionary par excellence, the Vidal, had confirmed the positive role of vitamin D in an article dated March 6, 2022, with a precise description of the biological mechanisms of the latter useful in the fight against Covid.

Alone FranceEvening had given the floor to specialists such as Jean-Marc Sabatier, who had understood the protective role of vitamin D as early as April 2020: the research director at the CNRS and doctor in cellular biology and microbiology in Marseilles had described his involvement at the level of the system renin-angiotensin which can be rendered dysfunctional by the Sars-CoV 2 virus.

By 2022

In this context, it is time to draw an objective assessment of the intense “vaccination” campaign, more coercive than sanitary, which continued in 2022 in view of the figures for the year. To make this assessment, simply download the official vaccination statistics, available online.

The following graph in relation to this data shows the number of weekly injections of “vaccine” against Covid-19 against the age group. Clearly, this has been running out of steam since the start of 2022.

Number of weekly injections of injection against Covid-19 by age group

Since the Omicron variant is reputed to be not very dangerous and the certificate of recovery following an infection allowing access to areas subject to the health pass or vaccination pass, the situation has been completely reversed and some have preferred immunity acquired naturally by infection.

Young people no longer want the vaccine

The French have turned away from vaccination. This is particularly visible in young people, who are less affected by serious forms and exposed to the adverse effects of vaccination. At the end of 2022, about half of the injections were performed with the “bivalent” booster dose for the Omicron variant and the “origin strain” from Wuhan.

Now let’s see what proportion of the population had recourse to vaccination in 2022. To do this, we compare the data for December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2022.

The data give the vaccination coverage by age groups. An anomaly appears: for people aged 75 to 79, the proportion of people who had at least a first dose of vaccine fell from 96% at the end of 2021 to 87.5% at the end of 2022. This is a drop by 8.5%. Would they have managed to “devaccinate”?

At first glance, the number of people in this age group (75-79) who have had at least one dose of vaccine increases slightly from 2,190,273 on 31/12/2021 to 2,208,693 on 31/12/2022 … but the estimate of the population has curiously increased significantly, going from 2,281,972 to 2,523,680 over the same period!

This reminds us of the statistics of the DREES made on dubious estimates of the number of unvaccinated. To avoid this pitfall, we will take the estimated population as of 12/31/2022 and only look at the cumulative number of doses by type:

tableau 1
Number of cumulative doses by age group between 31/12/2021 and 31/12/2022

We see that during the year 2022, the number of people (column AT) having had at least one dose of “vaccine” only increases by 1,403,837: the “vaccination pass” intended to compel recalcitrant or the hesitants therefore hardly convinced.

People with “one injection” become a minority

At the bottom right of the table (column AZ), we see that a total number of 34,661,776 doses would have been injected. This figure is a bit overstated. Because those who have “acquired” a complete vaccination schedule after a single dose – since they had had an infection before – count double, being counted among both those who have had at least one dose and those who have had a schedule complete vaccination.

We cannot know exactly with the figures given publicly how many people have received at least one dose in 2022 because some have received multiple doses, especially the oldest. But we can give a generous “high” estimate.

Thus, among those over 80, on 31/12/2021, there were only 3 (column AY) to have received three booster doses and 3,197 (column AX) to have received the 2nd booster dose . On the other hand, on 31/12/2022, 472,083 (column AY) had received the 3rd booster dose. Among these, the vast majority had at least 2 doses in 2022 since, to be counted among the “3rd booster dose”, you must first have received the 2nd dose.

Therefore, subtracting only from the cumulative number of doses 2022:

– 90% of the number of 3rd booster dose;

– et 25% name of bivalent doses,

we obtain that less than 48% of the French population received at least one dose of “vaccine” in 2022.

While the apostles of vaccination are overrepresented in the mainstream media, and had a hegemonic attitude in 2021, people who receive an injection in 2022 are therefore a minority.

tableau 2
Percentage of population having received at least 1 dose in 2022

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