Lesson of the Portuguese bullfighters in Las Ventas nightlife

by time news

The young Portuguese “cavaleiros” Francisco Palha -who, like Armendriz, cut an ear- and Miguel Moura gave this Thursday night a lesson on the best bullfighting on horseback in the “six for six” bullfight held in Las Ventas, in which the Spanish horsemen were misguided.

And especially brilliant was the performance of Palha, with the fourth of the night, to which, as a statement of intentalready nailed the first rejín of punishment attacking him from the front as soon as he left the pigsties.

Since then, the lusitanian dedicated himself to encelar and to temper with his horses a horned reserve and located to leave four banderillas on top with inalienable frontality, adjustment and cleanliness, for which a second ear was asked with great force that the president denied.

In that same line, and even nailing portagayola, the dynastic Miguel Morawho with a fifth of greater mobility was more tempered when it came to fighting and fighting than when leaving the irons, although he also always attacked with rectitude and letting himself be seen in several vibrant encounters, to spoil everything, as is the house brand , with the death grate.

On the other hand, the Spaniards were very misguided, because given the lack of clarity and dedication of the “domecqs” of José Cruz, and accustomed perhaps to the frank and rhythmic gallop of the usual “murubes” destined for rejones, his work was a succession of mistakes, stumbles and misaligned embroques.

Without fighting or consenting enough to distracted bulls that asked for control, they needed the constant help of the helpers’ capes to focus the attacks, but even so they did not achieve moments with a minimum temper and brilliance, neither when nailing nor when fighting.

By the fact of confirming alternativeopened square Scar Borjas Burgos, who led five gray horses after a pompous ceremony and, even so, did a job less with a bull that was more.

the oldest, Robert Armendriz, You acted like this in second place without getting tempered or meeting with the banderillas in front of a horned man who attacked with arreones, to end up cutting off an ear of little value whose request is only explained by his promptness in killing.

More claw and will put the aragons Mario Prez Langa, who warmed up with their boasts of taming, although all his attempts were marked by nervousness and excessive speed, to always leave the irons with an advantage, when the horns of the brave sixth were already on the rump of their horses.

Only Madrid can be saved from the unfortunate Spanish representation Ivn Magrowho used much more claw and sincerity in the face of the sudden snatches of the third, which he dealt with cleanly and less accurately when killing.



Six bulls, blunt for rejones, from Fernando Cruz, all cinqueos, well presented and game shot, although with little zeal and little dedication in their attacks, except fifth and sixth, more embedded.

Roberto Armendrizin a black and silver jacket: opposite rear rejonazo (ear).

Ivn Magroin a black jacket: a puncture, a rear blow and three pigeonholes (ovation after warning).

Francisco Palhapistachio and jet jacket: detached rejonazo (ear with strong request of the second).

Miguel Mora, in a navy and gold jacket: two punctures and a half smack in the back (ovation).

Scar Borjasin a blue and silver jacket, which confirmed the alternative: a deep puncture and the opposite blow from the back (applause after a slight request from the ear).

Mario Prez Langain a navy blue jacket: four punctures, half a rejon against and a rejonazo (palms).

Borjas confirmed his alternative with the bull “Nigeriano”, black ribbon, number 67, weighing 545 kilos.

Bullfight in Las Ventas, with a tenth entry (just over 2,000 viewers)on a very hot night.

According to the criteria of

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