Let’s give our future doctors the right perspectives – time.news

by time news

2023-07-09 13:02:46

by Christina Mass

The hiring caps in public hospitals do not allow the entry of the youngest

The announcement of the planned increase in the number of aspiring doctors of almost 4,000 units was recent. It has been talked about a lot, it was wanted by everyone, administrators and politicians in the first place, it is a simple and immediate answer to a question of citizens’ care. It is good for young people who have more opportunities and could be good for their choices, encouraging them to choose specializations that are less attractive today, but very necessary. To be successful, the commitment to train more doctors and health personnel must represent an opportunity for change in the analysis of health costs and in the enhancement of skills.

To date, healthcare personnel continue to be considered a cost, certainly not an investment. Despite the shortage of personnel, the very heavy hiring ceilings in public hospitals do not allow the entry of the youngest or, if they do, they offer decidedly disadvantageous recruitment conditions compared to the offer of the private and international system. What will happen to the many doctors we train today in 8-10 years’ time if we don’t immediately understand how to best employ them and with mutual satisfaction? It is an issue that must have the same priority as that given to the increase in medical freshmen. But even in an ideal system where public and private have the same opportunities and young people remain to work in Italy, the relevance of knowledge and competence must be everyone’s beacon, especially politics which underestimates it.

Making a good doctor is not a matter of formal lessons, a little study and a lot of practice. It is a question of a lot of study, of absorbing a method that allows them to follow the continuous renewal linked to technological research and development. It is a transmission of knowledge and experience where people and places matter most of all. Competence and clinical sense, humanity and appropriate use of technologies. These are the elements that have always made a good doctor and that today must be measured with precision medicine, with digital medicine, with artificial intelligence algorithms.

We need to face the complexity of modern medicine also with digital and technological knowledge. Do we have the strength to train more doctors without losing quality? Certainly not at isorisources. The citizens, all of us, perhaps want more doctors but we certainly want someone capable of taking care of us, of our health, with the authority that comes from knowledge. We increase the number of doctors, but we also give them the right employment prospects, always guaranteeing high-quality and homogeneous training throughout the country.

*Professor of Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Milan Bicocca

July 9, 2023 (change July 9, 2023 | 1:10 pm)

#Lets #give #future #doctors #perspectives #time.news

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