Let’s go ahead, Coahuila: Manolo Jiménez

by time news

At the beginning of his campaign for the governorship of Coahuila, the candidate of the Citizen Alliance for Security, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, indicated that, together with a great citizen front, he is ready to take Coahuila to the next level and lead a government that build a better state for this and the next generations.

Accompanied by his wife Paola Rodríguez López, his family and thousands of PRI, PAN and PRD militants and sympathizers, Jiménez Salinas stressed that his government will shield security with prevention, proximity, intelligence and force; it will make economic development reach everyone’s pockets, integrate the regions of Coahuila, strengthen the health system and empower women. He added that his government will also provide better opportunities for children and youth, will be efficient and transparent, and will take care of the environment.

He recalled that 15 years ago he began to work in the colonies and neighborhoods with effort and dedication and always close to the people, fulfilling his commitments, which is why he will be the next governor thanks to the support of the citizens who know his work.


He added that through his government the foundations will be laid for Coahuila to continue consolidating as a power, which today is a national benchmark in security and economic development thanks to teamwork between society and government.

Also accompanied by the candidates and the candidate for the local councils of the 5 districts of the Southeast region that will lead the Citizens’ Alliance for Security, Manolo Jiménez Salinas assured that, together with the other 12 candidates, they will win the next election on June because they have the best proposals and form a citizen alliance that is willing to join efforts for the prosperity of Coahuila families.


He stressed that he is starting a campaign with good vibes, with energy, which will undoubtedly be the most civic-minded in history, a constructive campaign in which he will once again tour the entire State to present proposals and make very clear commitments to improve the quality of life of the families.

“This is the project to preserve the good things we have, innovate and change what needs to be improved, that is why we are going with everything in unity, we are sure that we are going to win, but without letting our guard down, without trusting ourselves, we are going for all our people , our friends, neighbors, because there are many more of us who want Coahuila to move forward than those who want to come to transform our state in Zacatecas or Tamaulipas, that is why we are ready to defend Coahuila”, he pointed out.


Finally, he pointed out that he is ready to give it his all and take Coahuila to the next level “Here, Coahuila is pure ahead, because I don’t even go backwards to catch a flight!”

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