Let’s go for FGR and Encinas staff: lawyers

by time news

2024-02-08 06:53:33

MEXICO CITY, February 7 (EL UNIVERSAL).- The lawyers of the eight soldiers re-apprehended in the Ayotzinapa case announced criminal complaints against public servants of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) who were part of the new investigation against their clients for the crime. of organized crime, because it is based on statements from two protected witnesses accused of being “liars” and “inventing evidence.”

Even Alejandro Robledo Carretero and César Omar González Aceves announced that they will once again go against the former undersecretary of Human Rights of the Ministry of the Interior, Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez, who has been summoned to testify on two occasions in the case, but has not appeared. .

“Just as at the time we presented criminal complaints against former Undersecretary Encinas, in this new stage of the case we are going to present criminal complaints this week against the public servants who were in charge of integrating this unfortunate investigation, all of whom were were involved in the process of this, we are going to criminally denounce them as well as former Undersecretary Encinas and we are also going to denounce these protected witnesses who are very afraid, who are members of organized crime, we are also going to denounce them for falsehood and crimes against the administration of justice,” said González Aceves.

“And just like former Undersecretary Encinas, someday, as Alejandro says [Robledo]”I don’t know if today, tomorrow or in two years or how many years, the military will be out, acquitted and those who created all this filth will be in jail,” he said.

The litigants spoke after the FGR did not present the protected identity witnesses Carla and Neto to be questioned by the defense, because one reported health problems and the other was not located at the address he provided.

Carla and Neto, members of the Guerreros Unidos criminal group and who participated in the disappearance of the 43 normal students from Ayotzinapa, accused the eight soldiers last January of receiving bribes from their criminal organization at review points or filters that they placed, generally in the departure from Iguala to Chilpancingo, in the state of Guerrero.

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However, lawyer Alejandro Roblado explained at a press conference that mysteriously, after having heard from the Ministry of the Interior the threat to request new arrest warrants against the group of soldiers, the FGR used the aforementioned witnesses, who said that Out of “fear and fear” they had not testified against the military, which is false, since they had surrendered on several occasions.

In one of them, the lawyer said, they asked “God’s forgiveness for their crimes, for more than 12 years they remember facts, circumstances, details to identify and accuse military personnel, an absolutely abnormal and not very credible situation.”

He explained that last January Carla and Neto said they recognized some people, but in their previous statements and having photographs in view, they had not made such a recognition.

“These witnesses were proven to be liars and manipulators. For example, the witness Carla provided WhatsApp messages at the time to incriminate the military, the GIEI itself pointed out that it was not possible to guarantee the authenticity of those messages, so they did not exist. reliability in images.

“Former undersecretary Alejandro Encinas, who headed the Truth Commission for the Ayotzinapa case, acknowledged that the WhatsApp chats could not be verified,” he noted.

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