“Let’s highlight the professions of the energy transition to achieve decarbonization!” »

by time news

2023-07-15 17:00:06

The energy transition is an opportunity for employment. Evaluations by the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe) estimate that the national low-carbon strategy, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, should generate the creation of more than 300,000 additional jobs in France by 2030.

It is up to us to seize it collectively because the fight against climate change has the formidable capacity to create vocations, especially since there is still 1.4 million young people aged 15 to 29 who are neither in studies, nor in employment, nor in training, according to INSEE.

Our challenge is to make the diplomas that lead to being players in the energy transition legible and attractive: refrigeration technician, fitter, maintenance technician, automation engineer, specialist in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, thermodynamics, welder, engineer, head of project…

The need for a label

In 2023, these designations remain very technical and do not reflect the societal impact of the professions for which they prepare, at a time when young people are looking for meaning in their professional orientation. And yet, they concern all levels of diploma, from the CAP to the doctorate, and make it possible to develop low-carbon energies and the efficiency of energy systems, at the heart of the challenges of the fight against climate change.

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This is why we need an “energy transition professions” label to simply indicate to young people and all those who are training to retrain the paths that will allow them to shape a carbon-neutral energy future. This label will make it possible to give more visibility and to reinforce the essential attractiveness of these diplomas and training courses. It will be a real vector of communication, both simple and educational, which could be visible, from middle school to high school, on Parcoursup-type orientation platforms.

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Thanks to this label, the sector of trades in the energy transition will become both a sector of excellence, promoting sustainable employability, an inclusive sector which will restore prospects in the field to young people without diplomas or qualifications as well as to people who are far from employment and, I hope, a more mixed sector where young girls will succeed in stimulating career paths.

For a more inclusive and sustainable society

Furthermore, I am convinced that companies recruiting in the energy transition sector must also play their part. They must adapt in turn by transforming their recruitment strategy. The apprenticeship reform has been a real success, and we need to go further.

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