“Let’s make sport at school a victory for the legacy of the Games”

by time news

Atoday ends the 7e edition of Olympic and Paralympic Week, organized every year since Paris was designated host city to host the 2024 Games.

Throughout France, more than a million pupils and students from 8,000 establishments from kindergarten to university celebrated sport, the values ​​of Olympism and Paralympism, and the chance that Paris 2024 represents for our country.

During our travels and our meetings, we have seen the very strong mobilization of the teaching community for this unifying cause, starting with the 38,000 physical education and sports teachers and the school sports associations, of which we are keen to salute the commitment, alongside a number of athletes whom we thank for their involvement.

Fight against sedentary lifestyle

This momentum reminds us that the Games, although they are of course the first sporting event on the planet, also serve the greater purpose of making France a « Nation sportive » and that it is first at the school of the Republic that a nation is built.

It is the school that will be the strongest foundation on which we will build the sporting legacy of the Games. The development of physical activity and sports at school is a priority common objective. This is where we will concentrate our efforts in the months to come, in particular to fight against physical inactivity, the health time bomb that threatens our children.

At the age of 13, only one in ten teenagers reaches the WHO recommendations of 60 minutes of daily physical activity and sports. More than 40% of young people aged 6 to 17 in our country spend more than 3 hours a day in front of a screen. The consequences, we know them: two thirds of these young people present a worrying risk for their health.

We are convinced that, from motor skills to the relationship with the body, from collective rules to surpassing oneself, the learning that sport can bring to individuals and to society as a whole is fundamental.

Read also: A plan to encourage sport at university in the wake of Paris 2024

This is why we act.

With the generalization of 30 minutes of daily physical activity in all schools in our country. In order to reconcile the academic requirement and the sports practice, the spirit and the body, Descartes and Coubertin.

The Pass’Sport maintained and modernized

With the experimentation of 2 additional hours of sport per week for college students which will be extended from 167 colleges this year to 700 at the start of the next school year, distributed in all departments, based on the complementarity between physical education, sport schools and the 180,000 sports clubs in our country.

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