Let’s meditate, Plovdiv-Agro Plovdiv

by time news

The Italian Nivedak ​​Corradini arrives at Plovdivto give a lesson on meditation. The lecture will be tomorrow, March 18, from 5 to 8 p.m. in the “Saedinenie” hall at “Saedinenie” square #1 in Plovdiv.

The entrance will be free until the places are filled.

Corradini is an experienced lecturer on meditation, he has created programs for both beginners and spiritually advanced seekers of truth, the organizers from the Sri Chinmoy Center in Plovdiv report.

He will demonstrate meditation techniques, mantras, tell stories and even anecdotes – all united by the theme of inner search and spiritual discovery.

Sri Chinmoy Center and the Ambassador of India also announced an upcoming concert by Austrian virtuosos Shamita and Dohai Achenbach. The musical event is planned for the first day of spring, March 21, at 7 p.m. again in the Saedinenie hall. The concert has free admission.

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