Let’s rebel or the aliens arrive

by time news

NoonSeptember 9, 2022 – 09:14 am

from Fortunato Cerlino

I am a serious man, my brain has a philosophical address, even if by profession I am an organized unemployed person and I keep in fifth grade. Life was inclement with me, but I hold virtues and qualities that others dream of. It is not for nothing that I have a thorough and detailed knowledge of the Italian political situation. I am one who informs himself, reads, and modesty aside, I understand things that the best bosses in this country don’t understand. I have always paid particular attention to the sources from which I draw my culture. I have never hitched up the wagon for the descent, and perhaps this is why this way of doing things has bothered someone. I am not part of the herd, I think with my head, and if something does not convince me I go straight to the point. I’m certainly not one who gets caught by the nose, I have an innate instinct to discover cheaters, criminals, quaquaraqqs, and when I find someone I report everything on my Facebook page and on my Instagram profile.

Seven thousand three hundred twenty-two followers (all real) will want to say something, or not? In addition, my profiles are constantly growing, ‘a people listen to me, despite the fact that many times, with the excuse of using improper language, I have deleted several posts. Like the ones on the Corona Virus for example. I was among the first to denounce the fraud that was behind this aforementioned pandemic. I immediately understood that the strong powers were behind us, who were feeding us so many of that nonsense without any restraint. While people misinformed on the official channels, I, immediately realizing that those channels were manipulated by the powerful, went to look for the true information on the less frequented sites. I made it clear that behind ‘stu virs there was a precise design. All words proven by facts and numbers. On the other hand, it is not difficult to understand that the world population has grown too much to be able to support its needs, hasn’t it? It doesn’t take a degree to figure it out. therefore it is clear that the aliens, who are the ones who created us, in agreement with their servants who are at the head of very powerful states, have decided to intervene to decimate the world population. Perhaps thanks to people like me that the plan then changed. They got scared, they realized we had understood, and accuss they had to stop and gave us the famous vaccines. What people still don’t know is that these vaccines will be the cause of the next move.

Anyway my friends, I know that most of you reading me are thinking I’m crazy. I am not interested in it, I’m used to it. Nemo prophet in his homeland, you know. One day you will remember my words and you will come looking for me, me and those like me, but maybe it will be too late.

I do not know if they will publish this article of mine on the pages of this authoritative, so to speak, newspaper. To those like me the word is taken away or ridiculed. In any case, I intend to have my say on the upcoming elections. Stay home! Don’t go vote! only ‘na farce! The strong powers already know very well who has to win, if Italy is a servant country. To change things overly, abstinence must reach at least ninety percent of the population. Then they will have to take note that the people have woken up, that they have finished munching everything. But then, even if one were given the whim to go and vote, but who the fuck should we vote for? On the left it no longer exists, on the right it has become a joke. One who has become ‘or party of the Americans, born of Russia, born yet thinks only of not losing’ in an armchair. So I told you, this nu film that we already know how it ends. Did you see what happened with the Five Stars that, I’m not ashamed to say, I voted, holding my nose, in the last elections? That was all a stratagem to intercept the people’s distrust of those in charge, so they invented this party just to make us fools, to make us believe that someone really cared about the people. Look how it turned out and tell me if I’m not right. Mo are doing the same thing with another party. But I, and those like me, do not fall for it! In any case, whoever wins will be summoned by the strong powers, then they will make him meet the aliens secretly who will tell him how things are and how they should go. Now we are close to it. They are organizing for the landing on earth sin they are annoyed of the human beings. We will all end up working in their supersonic spaceship factories. Wake up! We must rebel! Let’s take power, and the first move is not to vote! We must make it clear to the aliens and their minions that we will not bow! Long live the libbert!

9 September 2022 | 09:14

© Time.News

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