Let’s talk about financial culture: a factor of well-being

by time news

2023-05-04 05:59:50

Having financial knowledge helps us make decisions on a day-to-day basis. Financial culture is a fundamental tool so that people and households can adequately manage their resources and, in this way, positively influence their well-being. The new chapter of ‘We’ puts the focus on personal finance education, the CaixaBank program in which we all fit.

On this occasion, the 100 people who participate in ‘We’ answer questions about their knowledge in personal and family finances. 77 of the 100 state that they have discussed the value of money with their children. However, only 20 out of 100 have started preparing for their retirement. “Time passes very quickly, the sooner we start the better”, admits one of the participants.

It all starts at home

Financial education should start at home, although theory is one thing and practice is another. According to a Funcas study, despite the fact that 97% of the mothers and fathers surveyed attribute the main responsibility to the family in the financial education of their children, 45% never talk to them about the income that comes into the home each month and the 47% do not do so on the taxes they pay.

This report also reveals that only 14% of the fathers and mothers surveyed use the monthly or weekly payment —a recommended instrument of financial education— with their children in primary education and it does not reach a third (29%) who do so in secondary school. .

These deficiencies in financial education that begin in childhood are reflected in adulthood, since almost half of the population (46%) classify their financial knowledge as “low” or “very low”.

CaixaBank has its own Financial Culture Plan, within the social axis of the Sustainable Banking Plan, which includes initiatives aimed at different types of public.

Financial Culture Plan

This situation leads us to think about the need to promote financial culture and bring different terms of financial education closer to society. In this regard, it should be noted that CaixaBank has its own Financial Culture Plan, within the framework of the social axis of the Sustainable Banking Plan, which includes initiatives aimed at different types of public. During 2022, more than 100,000 people attended conferences, courses and workshops organized by CaixaBank, and its digital content exceeded 12.5 million views.

The entity develops three types of actions: awareness, training and knowledge creation. In this regard, CaixaBank is firmly committed to contributing to improving knowledge of relevant economic and financial concepts for day-to-day decision-making by customers, shareholders, vulnerable groups and society.

Among CaixaBank’s initiatives is the program ‘Much to do’, with informative and financial awareness content disseminated through different digital media. Another would be the program ‘Classroom‘ training on economics and finance that helps the entity’s shareholders to broaden their knowledge to make the best decisions; either CaixaBank Research, a research service of the bank, which promotes knowledge through research and economic analysis with articles and conferences. Meanwhile, the program CaixaBank volunteering He teaches workshops on basic finance, both digitally and face-to-face.

CaixaBank’s Financial Culture Plan also includes the project CaixaBank talksa series of talks on savings, protection and financial planning in different life situations.


It aims to show, with data and stories, that by being close to people, whether through training, financial inclusion, the economic development of rural areas, or financial literacy, it is easier for people to get what they want. they propose.

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