2024-07-12 00:00:00
Surprise. Perhaps it is not enough to draw attention to that word when I am known at this point in almost 70 years as a city in the north. I chose only one city, which is not small, to list my surprise and I saw that the others that make it up as states are equal and maybe better. Of course, there is no comparison in terms of the size of the massive buildings and structures that represent the human genius of modern architecture. First of all: it is security, mutual respect to know that if you do something wrong, you will be punished. Silence, ease and bustle. Cleanliness, everything provided is unimaginable. Comment, I want to emphasize here: on the streets you see the red octagonal sign that says STOP and you have to stop; the streets, most of them double lane, and you have to stop the moment you are about to cross the car. On the highway you have no idea where you are going slow or at the limit, free lanes. But yes, you don’t have to go over 55 miles when they tell you to. They respect the fines and pay them. Another: the post office, if the recipient of their parcel cannot be found, they are left at the door… and no one touches them. Maybe tomorrow I will see my city converted like this because I think we are becoming aware of what we have learned from other cities.
#Letters #readers #north #country