Letters to Quito / August 17, 2023

by time news

2023-08-17 07:05:00

The tip of the iceberg

The book “Revolución Malograda” by journalists Almeida and López should be read by everyone, correistas or not, before the elections on August 20. The Citizen Revolution relied on 5 pillars to achieve power: Propaganda, Ideology, Control, Intelligence and Corruption (PICIC). This PICIC is treated in 10 chapters. The fifth chapterGuns and Death” concludes that Gabela’s death is just the tip of the iceberg that will uncover corruption in the purchase of weapons. If someone like Gabela opposed the purchase of Chinese radars, proving that they were junk, they would surely eliminate him, they comment. In this chapter appear the masterminds, materials (one still alive) and concealers of the “State Crime”. That is why there is so much resistance to clarifying the “Gabela case” and the third report by Meza disappeared.

In the first chapter they narrate the “electoral fraud” of how Moreno reaches the second round with ballots marked in advance and differences between the original minutes and those that entered the CNE, thanks to Juan Pablo Pozo who allowed the blackouts and the rupture of the chain of custody by the Armed Forces. This complaint was made by theGeneral Luis Castro, with folder in hand, before Correa himself, but it cost him his dismissal and the humiliation of the armed forces. Correa knew everything, but if he doesn’t remember he didn’t pass.

Since then all elections have been suspect and the next one will be no exception. There are many complaints against the president and her entourage that prove her ineptitude. Allow to use a “fugitive from justice” in political propaganda, denouncing that there are additional computer centers to the CNE and not doing anything, being in extended functions, not controlling electoral spending or saying that the armed forces have nothing to do in the elections, condemn them.

Neither Lasso, nor the Police, worse the CNE, could prevent the crimes of Intriago and Villavicencio, which were “chronicles of a death foretold.” A hurting town that claims the masterminds. Politics is a dangerous activity. You can miss out on life. Various examples: a general, a journalist, a dragged president… and recent deaths. The list is long tells us Enrique Ayala Mora in his second book ofThe dead of Politics”.

The elections are not suspended and if the list 25 Villavicencio must be proclaimed president after death, as long as the CNE manages the elections under the custody of the Armed Forces. If there is fraud, who will be the next victim? We will know soon.

Jose Mayorga Baroness

G. Armed Forces, Ecuador and SSXXI Dictatorships? (II)

They broke into the ISSFA as well as the ISSPOL. When the Cúpula de FF.AA. in “law and as legal representatives in defense of their Institution”, they informed Ecuador as they have done in other matters of their responsibility, the helpful Fr. Moncayo came out to say that they could not do it and they were decapitated via tweet, etc. Its strategic companies were not dismantled, does it not have a deficit in planes, helicopters, corvettes, coast guards, armored vehicles…, behind Colombia, Peru, Chile, etc.? With Chávez’s junk planes? While politicians have squandered billions of E. Nacional? “Four dhruv helicopters down with injuries and deaths.” Why did they blame historically well-trained pilots (in 1995 they shot down several Peruvian aircraft)? With recognition of defects from India, internal reports of its poor condition, etc.? Does the country angrily reject an exculpatory sentence for 18 people? Losses, breach of custody, disappearance, adulterations…, from ministers on down, due to denunciation and murder of the honorary general J. Gabela? In light of the courage of his wife P. Ochoa, his lawyer R. Román, the expert R. Meza and the Press. What insurance returned the money? And the corruption, devastated lives, families and the image of the Armed Forces? ¿¿¿¿18M Ecuadorians refuse to believe that the Glorious Armed Forces. they become by action or omission as it is in the criminal dictatorships of Venezuela and Nicaragua with the end of the republic??? Have they created a “huge criminal force” that antagonizes and attacks the Public Forces and 18M defenseless people like in Venezuela from where they are fleeing? As of June, more than 25,000 Ecuadorians crossed the Darién T.??? Crime and Venezuelan, Cuban groups…, in the protests against the country and democracy? Murder of A. Intriago who wanted development and security for his city? In 2016, M. Rivadeneira in his article “Military Dignity”: “… according to the Constitution, they have not only the right but the obligation to express themselves before the Assembly… They have already abused a lot by mocking other sectors with so many bad laws facts that have been imposed and then amended… art. 159… they will be obedient and not deliberative and will fulfill their mission subject to civil power and the Constitution. The latter is fundamental: it assigns them duties but also rights and they cannot be indifferent when there are serious economic and social security problems and this affects thousands of families in uniform.” Express violating teachers, sentences, challenges and express habeas corpus; hitman, threats and express bombs; Express Candidates, Express Cop Factory, Express Heavenly Court, Express President, Express Death Cross, Express Fraud etc.? Assassination of F. Villavicencio to silence the only true candidate and opponent of 16 years of looting and crime as in Venezuela. Have they killed hope, as his sister says, “to Democracy” and will they culminate it in A-20? Isn’t a guard or police accompanying you security in a chilpe truck? God looked at and accepted the holocaust and that blood was a fertile germ… just like the martyred heroes of 1810, E. Espejo, Rumiñahui…, Ecuador and Quito Luz de América of 1809, today they are darkness, crime and corruption, blatant and orchestrated impunity and , shame on America and the world. Father God have mercy, we implore clemency for your children and do not abandon Ecuador!

Juan Carlos Cobo Rueda

#Letters #Quito #August

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