Letters to Quito / August 31, 2023

by time news

2023-08-31 07:05:00

The Javier Milei phenomenon

With his party “La Libertad Avanza”, without a doubt and against all odds, deputy Javier Milei will defeat his opponents, the coalitions: Together for Change and El Frente de Todos, in the general elections on October 22, 2023. Milei woke up to the Argentine giant, because with his convincing speech, he says that he knows what and how to change course and get them out of the dark hole where they were put, he has a reform plan and, once everything is in place, the Argentines they will be able to choose the currency they want, but it seems that they have already chosen their currency, the dollar that has always been in their pockets or in the “mattressbank”. The Central Bank does not have dollars available at this time. Instead, pesos have flooded the market, but people don’t want them. Massa traveled to Washington to look for dollars at the IMF.

How did the “Milei Phenomenon” arise? It arises from the VIP vaccine with a celebration included in the Quinta del Olivo, while all Argentines were confined with rigid rules due to the SARS-Cov2 Pandemic. The people had to wait until December 2020 and perhaps later to get vaccinated and with a considerable number of deaths. At that moment, Javier Milei appears, an economist who comes from academia and is determined to lead Argentines to success. He organizes the party “La Libertad Avanza”, invites the media, none of them go. They begin to spread the word on social networks, collect signatures, register the party and start the campaign.

By simple mathematics I will point out what I think will happen: 1. Milei, won the PASO (primary elections) in the first place, with 31%, to that percentage we must add the 30% of those who did not go to vote, totaling 61 %. 2. The votes of the youth would be added, 15%, because he abandoned the candidates Bullrich and Massa, the first, a politician since the age of 16, of the Peronist youth, his bench has just voted in Congress with the bench of Máximo Kirchner, to “make Argentina more indebted.” Massa is the regime’s Minister of Economy and accepted the position to fix the economy and could not. 3. All the hopeless people who voted blank, null, or did not go, will go to vote for Milei. He offers to reform the State to lower public spending and lower taxes; It will suppress 10 ministries of the 18 existing ones. “4 already have them working in the shadows”; It will deregulate economic activity, it will reform the labor market so that workers can be hired and informal work reduced, currently numbering 6 million citizens. It will suppress public works, it will hand over to private companies as Chile does, it has a social program, which covers education and health. Once all this is accomplished, the economy would begin to open, which would ensure the country 15 years of prosperity. The Plan that he would leave in motion would consolidate the Argentine economy, this for him and his team constitutes an important challenge.

Today, poverty stands at 40% and homelessness at 10%. The minimum vital income is 167 dollars, it is the lowest in the region.

At the moment only perishable food is sold. There are products that have stopped being sold since prices cannot be established, due to the dizzying nature of the changes. With the debacle and the possible Argentine dollarization, much has been remembered about Ecuador.

I am sure that Milei will win in the first round without a doubt on October 22. What makes me most happy about the Argentines, despite the serious situation they are experiencing, is that their enthusiasm and hope have returned. May God have better days for that beautiful country. I miss the great Corrientes avenue, the Colón theater, the huge meat restaurants, Caño 14 with Aníbal Troilo listening to his bandoneon accompanied by 11 others, I miss the tablada with Goyeneche, the singer from that southern country, who was rich and happy for years 72.

Mercedes Regalado Espinosa

#Letters #Quito #August

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