Letters to Quito / July 17, 2023

by time news

2023-07-17 16:53:00

End of the dollar and Ecuador, Nature’s fault?

Our countries were never poor but impoverished by politicians and now, they are looted by those of the SSXXI. For private debt in dollars, the Sucretization cost us $13.5MM (1983-1984). The Dollarization of 2000 by the Bank F. of 1999, cost us $8MM. In 2006, the debt of 176 years from 1830 for $17MM, Correa unnecessarily raised it to $70MM (increase of $53MM), if they criticized it and he had to pay it. Do Moreno and Lasso raise it to $80MM? “The dollar that does not appear in the Constitution, gave purchasing power of goods, services and savings for 18M.” Rafael with about $ 450mm should have become a “country developed with first works”, had $ 272mm more than 33 leaders in a century (1905 and 2006 with $ 178mm)? There were surcharges, agreements between private, commissions of more than 100% and 1000%, 30% and 40% no less than $ 135mm or $ 180mm in corruption in 10 years. The IDB calculated at $70MM, plus unnecessary debt for $53MM, that is $123MM. And there are junk hydroelectric plants, bye bye the railway, lack of hospitals, ports, security, peace and work, etc. In 10 years, 6 out of 10 without work and hundreds of thousands of Ecuadorians flee like Venezuelans, from the poverty and violence of the SSXXI with the ineffectiveness of Lasso. El Aromo $1.5MM of corruption and Finland with the longest underwater tunnel in the world Helsinki – Tallinn for $18.7MM, double the English Channel. Just $53MM of unnecessary debt is equal to 3 tunnels. Bolsonaro was disqualified (like MC Machado and, do you want to disqualify P. Carrillo?). For pointing out Lula’s fraud with several trials and acquitted by the UN, who hands over Brazil to China trading in yuan and will do so for Latin America, the BRICS and the world with Xi Jinping master and owner of the planet. Did Rómulo López S. write about the confiscation of dollars in 2009 and gold condor bills that came via Chile? He was prosecuted, persecuted and left the country for fear of losing his life. Assemblywoman G. Molina, who had an attack, denounced that they were going to create chaos, would they blame the banks and Lasso, and the end of the dollar? And were they for the end of the Homeland with express fraud and seizure of all authorities? W. Spurrier, if the Yasunidos win, will the “ITT” black gold stop (loss of $1.2MM to $1.5MM per year, $500M disassembly, related services, etc.), and would it be the cause of the end of the dollar? Would they take deposits in checking, savings and investment accounts in B. Central and 18M will we be more miserable than ever? And is it Pachamama’s fault? Or lose and have kushki for lefties and protect Chinese oil? And with the pretext of natural disaster or sovereignty? End of the dollar and the libertarian, democratic and legal Homeland forever!

Juan Carlos Cobo Rueda

July 14, French National Holiday

On July 12, three days after the proclamation of the Constituent Assembly, due to pressure from the court, the King sent his Comptroller General of Finance, who supported the doubling of the third. Rumor spread that royal troops were preparing to force their way into the capital to arrest the deputies. The Parisians organized themselves and on the morning of July 14, a popular committee of several thousand people went to Les Invalides to look for weapons. They appropriated rifles and cannons, but they had no gunpowder, because it was stored in the Bastille prison, defended by about a hundred Swiss soldiers well armed with a dozen cannons.

Regrouped by two guard detachments, the rebels obtained the capitulation of the defenders and access to the Bastille. The prisoners were released, the soldiers were lynched, and a butcher beheaded the Marquis de Launay, whose head was carried on a pike. That same night, the revolutionaries destroyed the fortress stone by stone, a symbol of royal arbitrariness. A year later, on July 14, 1790, the “Feast of the Federation” was celebrated on the Champ de Mars, the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille. Louis XVI swore by the nation the general reconciliation. Unfortunately the party ended quickly with a firing squad.

In 1880 it was proposed that July 14 should become the French national holiday, in reference to the storming of the Bastille in 1789, but the Assembly did not unanimously receive this proposal given the violence of that revolutionary day. However, this date was kept, but making reference to the Federation Festival organized a year later, on July 14, 1790, more consensual, which celebrates the union of the people, the nation and the king. (Reference Stephane Bern)

Guillermo Alvarez

#Letters #Quito #July

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