Letters to Quito / July 21, 2023

by time news

2023-07-21 07:05:00

What happened to the powdered milk???

The Association of Ranchers of the Sierra and Oriente -AGSO- denounces that 620 TON of powdered milk has been imported in 2022, despite being prohibited by law!!!. In the program “Vera a su manera”, the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock said that his ministry only deals with milk in its natural state, which in terms of the industrialized product is the responsibility of the Minister of Production. In other words, I say: there is no minimal coordination between the Ministers, worse with the Dairy sector!!!. The import causes millions in losses to one million five hundred thousand families of small and medium-sized farmers in the country!!!. In addition, whey is smuggled from Colombia and Peru!!, but the authorities of the Ministry of Health, Agrocalidad, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Production do nothing to protect the health of Ecuadorians. I recently denounced it in this medium – January 23, 2023 – that there was an attack against health by lowering the tariff on cigarettes, today milk producers are thrown into the economic-social abyss and the health of the population is violated with food of bad quality!!!.

We Ecuadorians are unprotected and in the hands of neo-liberals “crazed by money”!!!

Cesar Aurelio Molina Perez

Import of smuggled powdered milk

The livestock sector in Ecuador, happily, is growing so much that today it seeks to export its industrialized surpluses such as cheese, butter and flavored milk, mainly to the USA; However, contradicting this aspiration, some 600 metric tons from Uruguay would have been smuggled in, thanks to the subsidies that the ranchers of that country receive from the State.

But what bothers the most are the naive statements by a representative of the Center for the Dairy Industry who, misinformed, points out that Ecuadorian Customs does not register any import of milk, forgetting that the merchandise that arrives in this way is not processed. they register, because they are precisely contraband and they cannot be registered because the import of powdered milk is prohibited for 10 years, through the Law that set the referential price of milk, published in the Official Gazette of August 17, 2022, For this reason, it becomes necessary to investigate this fraud that not only harms the national livestock, but also the State due to the taxes that it has failed to receive.

It should be investigated which was the Customs that allowed entry into the Country and who the smugglers were, to establish responsibilities and sanctions.

Ivan Escobar Cisneros

#Letters #Quito #July

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