LFI and PS consider that there are “no insurmountable points” between them; Juvin pleads for “a German-style government contract”… The political news of the day

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The world keeps the synopsis of the presidential election of 2022: a daily update is published each evening at 7 p.m., which highlights the political events of the past day and discusses the appointments to come.

News of the day. LFI and PS believe that there are “no insurmountable points” between them after their meeting, tensions with EELV

The agreement is not reached, but the discussions begin under good auspices. Negotiations between La France insoumise (LFI) and the Socialist Party (PS) began on Wednesday with a meeting « positive »according to the protagonists. “We didn’t feel like we were talking to the same PS as two, three years ago”reported to the press the chief negotiator of LFI, Manuel Bompard, who has also started other bilateral discussions for more than a week with Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), the Communist Party (PCF) and the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA).

Mr. Bompard considered that there was no “no talking point that seemed insurmountable” with the PS, after years of deep fracture fueled by an offensive presidential campaign by Anne Hidalgo against Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “There is clearly a desire to display a break with the PS of François Hollande. They had no difficulty committing to the repeal of the El Khomri law, to the VIe Republic, price freeze »rejoiced the MEP LFI.

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The spokesman of the PS, Pierre Jouvet, for his part, declared to have “had a constructive discussion, which allowed us to move forward on certain points”adding, using Mr. Bompard’s expression, that“there is no insurmountable sticking point between us” for an agreement. Both formations will “continue to discuss in the hours that follow”he specified.

These are other types of tension that have slowed down discussions between LFI and EELV since the start of the week. In question, the nature of the partnership: Popular Union in the continuity of the campaign of Mr. Mélenchon, or « coalition » demanded by environmentalists? MP LFI Clémentine Autain spoke about “federation” to reassure them. During a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, the secretary general of EELV, Julien Bayou, said he had offered LFI another name for the common label: the Popular Ecologist Union or the Popular Ecologist and Social Front.

A few minutes earlier, LFI had regretted in a statement that “For forty-eight hours, several EELV leaders have publicly reconsidered major programmatic commitments” already caught up in the negotiations: retirement at 60, freezing of fuel prices and application of the principle of disobedience in Europe.

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The image. Emmanuel Macron promises to appoint “someone attached to the social, environmental and productive question” at Matignon

Re-elected President Emmanuel Macron during his stroll through the Cergy market, Wednesday April 27, 2022.

Who for the post of Prime Minister? “I will appoint someone who is committed to the social question, the environmental question and the productive question”, said Emmanuel Macron, Wednesday, during a stroll in Cergy. Asked about the profile of his or her future prime minister, at the exit of the halls of the Saint-Christophe market, the re-elected president reiterated that he believed “overtaking”.

According to him, “Political color does not say everything. Jean Castex, who came from the right, pursued one of the most social policies of recent decades. Because he is also a man of heart, he has social fiber ”he defended.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron, just re-elected and already facing a war of succession

The Head of State also estimated that this first presidential visit to the capital of the Val-d’Oise department, where precarious households are numerous and where abstention reached 33% during the second round from April 24, “is symbolic”. “It also means that there is a form of mistrust that has set in with regard to public affairs, that things are not going fast enough, that there is a feeling of abandonment”analyzed Mr. Macron.

The phrase. Philippe Juvin pleads for “a German government contract” with the majority

Guest of Radio J on Wednesday morning, Philippe Juvin (Les Républicains, LR), mayor of La Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine) and disappointed candidate for the party congress in December, was questioned about his abstention yesterday during the vote on the party motion. With Damien Abad, president of the LR deputies in the National Assembly, they were the only two to abstain – acting on the principle of the party’s non-alliance with the presidential majority for the legislative elections.

Mr. Juvin conceded being “minority” within the party, but be attached to his political family: “I think Christian Jacob, who is a good president [de parti], has a responsibility that is not mine, so he is obliged to synthesize (…) Nicolas Sarkozy spoke about the need for government parties to work together, that’s my line. »

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The city councilor recalled being invested by LR for the legislative elections, but advanced: “Me, my fear is that if we don’t move forward today on a German-style government contract, well, we will end up with a small group of deputies (…), as the Socialist Party experienced five years ago. »

Would he be tempted to join the majority through the Horizons party, to the right of it, founded by the former prime minister and mayor of Le Havre? “Listen, first it was not my line, otherwise I would have supported Edouard Philippe for a long time. Once again, I am a member of the Republicans”he replied.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers LR deputies persist in hiding the dust under the carpet

The archive. The day when… in 1988, the farewell waltz from one palace to another

Archive of the

Thirty-three years ago, the week following François Mitterrand’s re-election to the Elysée Palace launched the farewell ball. “Monday, no question of rest: the time is for reflection in all the offices of political Paris”can we read in The world dated May 12, 1988. “And, on Tuesday, we must already draw the first consequences of the millions of ballots slipped into the ballot boxes by voters who can, themselves, without worry, return to their favorite occupations”writes our journalist Thierry Bréhier, who notes that “the film accelerated, the official cars of the old, current, future eminences engaged in a curious ballet of comings and goings”.

Without waiting for the Constitutional Council to confirm his re-election, François Mitterrand consulted his socialist friends. The re-elected president stopped by Rue de Solférino to thank them for the work done during his campaign. “The camera only has a few hundred meters to travel to be in the courtyard of the Prime Minister’s residence and capture, one last time, the arrival of the members of a government which has already resigned. “, relates Thierry Bréhier, explaining that Jacques Chirac, the prime minister of cohabitation, jumps into his armored R25, in a hurry to resign.

“For fear of being late, he is early. When he arrives at the foot of the palace steps, there is only an usher to welcome him”, says the journalist. Eleven minutes will be enough for him to go to the first floor, enter the office of the President of the Republic, give him his letter of leave, leave the office and return to his car, this time accompanied by Jean-Louis Bianco, the Secretary General of the ‘Elysium.

Since the end of the morning, the corridors of the National Assembly have been rustling. Deputies of all tendencies find themselves with pleasure, with, for all, the same question: when will the dissolution take place? The last scene is played at Matignon at the end of the day, where Michel Rocard has just been appointed. He set to work to compose his government. At 8:35 p.m., he left the premises. In Paris, the “ministers” fall asleep with their telephone at the foot of their bed.

On the agenda for Thursday 28 April

Goodbye. The first council of ministers since the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, and probably the last bringing together the current government of Jean Castex, is held at 11 a.m.

Mobilisation. The CGT invites a rally at noon, in front of the Ministry of Labor, in Paris, to say “stop the impunity of employers”.

Launch. Jordan Bardella, the acting president of the National Rally, launches the far-right party’s campaign for the legislative elections and presents the candidates chosen in the Var from 5 p.m. in Fréjus.

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