LGBT+ community paints rainbows at crosswalks in downtown Tijuana | Tijuana News

by time news

2023-06-13 22:48:21

Tijuana, BC.- In order to recognize the struggle and the rights of those who are part of the LGBTTTIQ+ communityactivists in conjunction with the Division of Diversity and Inclusion of the Tijuana City Councilpainted the pedestrian crossings in the First street of Zona Centro with the colors of the flag they represent.

Edoardo Rodriguez Delgado noted that this action in the so-called “pink zone” by the community, represents the unity and inclusion that they seek to generate and make visible in the city.

It may interest you: More than 300 people participate in the LGBTTTIQ+ Pride march in Rosarito

“Four years ago it was a twilight, we were around 50 colleagues, and after four years it happens again, but what was experienced at that time on social networks were attacks of LGTBIphobia, and despite that we came and did it. We are moving towards inclusion, there is no going back, we are not going to allow it, we are going forward, ”she highlighted.

They ask for more empathy for the LGBT+ movement in Tijuana.

Support for the LGBTTTIQ+ community

Mónica Lucero Vázquez Arévalo, councilor president of the Commission for Equality Between Women, Men, Sexual Diversity and Inclusionexplained that this government backs and supports the LGBTTTIQ+ community, not only in word, but in deeds and actions carried out since the beginning of the administration.

There is more acceptance, however, we see that it is changing, I think it is important to mention that men no longer have to take the lead, there is systematic violence against women in the community, against trans, lesbian, and bisexual women, Men already have a privilege, the space is for them,” said Cesar Espinosa, operational director of the civil association Cultural Community of Tijuana LGBTI (Cocut).

Julia Gómez, a member of the community, explained that in the last pint, the motorists were aggressive, to the point of “throwing” the car at them, for which she is grateful to feel more supported by the current City Council, by taking care of the integrity of the people who participate in this activity.

It may interest you: These are the countries with the largest LGBTQ+ population in the world: Ipsos

 Photos: Courtesy

Photos: Courtesy

They want society to empathize with their movement

“In this very symbolic and representative act for LGBT populations, more in this month where we are all raising our voices, remembering that not only this is the month of our fight, every day we are in a constant fight for the recognition and equality of the human rights of all, everyone, “added Andrea Luna , representative of Trans Collective for the Freedom to Be and Decide.

Susana Barrales, a trans woman, added that it is important that members of the community support and reinforce each other so that society empathizes with the movement.

“Emphasize, once again, the importance of collaborative work between the government and civil organizations, because at the end of the day the benefit is for the populations and populations that receive priority attention,” he mentioned.

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