Lial Eli talks about the ex from high school

by time news

Lial Eli Has become in recent years one of the biggest network stars in the country with more than half a million followers on Instagram. Little by little, she is breaking through more glass ceilings outside of the slot of “Oshiyat Reshet”, and now she is posing for a new campaign for the fitness brand.Strongful“. In a conversation with TMI she talks about body image and the decision to take part in such a campaign, the ex from high school who came back to her life like a script from a cheesy Hollywood movie and moved in with her and is it allowed to talk about marriage anymore?

What is happening to Yael?
“What’s going on, what’s going on?”.

Excellent. What are we doing here today?
“We’re on the set of Strongfall and it’s funny because I just told them that I’ve never put on sets in colors, and everything here is colorful and fun and sporty.”

Lial Eli (Photo: Yeh’ach)

Lial what color? You wear brown and everything is white behind
“That’s right, but I put blue and green, you missed that.”

You are known as one who reveals everything without filters – whether it’s acne or weight gain, how do you react when you receive such an offer for a fitness brand? Were there concerns?
“I won’t lie, in the end it’s a sports brand, I don’t do sports every day, my stomach swells, I’m not in a fit. Real, so I said to myself like what a bummer, I come to the set with tight clothes and I ate movies about it. Suddenly my stomach swells .. I was afraid of feeling insecure, but in the end the point of the brand is also to strengthen these flaws. So even if my stomach swells, I can still look good in sports clothes. Do you understand? This is also what the brand is trying to convey.”

Take me to Liel of three or four years ago, would she be standing here doing that today?
“I don’t know. On the one hand, I’ve always been open and I, and you take it or not. On the other hand, yes, at times I refused certain offers due to insecurity, so it’s hard to say. But I don’t think so.”

Well let’s do some shade – what about Shay?
“Wow, why Shayd? My Shay Chaim.”

Lial Eli (Photo: Yeh'ach)Lial Eli (Photo: Yeh’ach)

You returned to your childhood love from high school, how did it happen all of a sudden?
“How did it happen? I was a few months after a breakup and I ran into him a few times completely by accident, in different and random places. I talked about it on my podcast. And then the fifth time I saw him, it was already – “Ok this is too random”, I was just with a girlfriend at the time, It was at night in some parking lot, very random. Then I came to him and said to him, “Let’s have coffee this week.” Then after two weeks we sat down for beer, not coffee, and the relationship just kept rolling and coming back and I’m super happy about that, I’m happy.”

The last time you were together you were just Liel, a few years later you are already Liel Ali with half a million followers on Instagram. How was it for him?
“He and I broke up when this process more or less started for me, the new exposure, and then we split up. So he experiences it a bit, Meliel who makes videos and Meliel the soldier who makes cringe videos, but he doesn’t really experience what has been happening in recent years. But he flows . It’s like we entered a new relationship, you know? We know each other’s base. I know his base values ​​and he knows mine, but it’s still like a new relationship. So he’s like flowing, he’s cool, he’s very comfortable with it. I fly on it.”

Is he not afraid that his girlfriend is too well known, that everyone knows her on the street? He looks shy, you can see it in stories
“He’s a little shy, but he manages to accommodate me and my career. I mentioned in the podcast that not long ago I was in a mall and some kids shouted “Lyal to me”, so suddenly here he was eating a market. He hasn’t experienced things like that, being yelled at in the mall and this, that it can To be awkward sometimes that it’s in front of everyone. But he handled it well and got through it, and that’s it.”

And from your side, is there something relaxing about returning to the strange place from before, or does your publication add a bit of pressure to what he will think, have I changed?
“In fact, there is something about this relationship that really gives me security and peace, which is something that I haven’t necessarily experienced in relationships over the years, because I was afraid of how they would react. It’s not easy to eat someone with so many followers and exposure and an audience. So, like I said, he eats it well So I feel very peaceful. And it is he who provides me with this peace.”

You really decided to move in together, and it happened after two months. Who came up with the idea?
“Okay, so I was supposed to move in alone.”

Lial Eli (Photo: Yeh'ach)Lial Eli (Photo: Yeh’ach)

You’ve been doing this for two years. i follow you You weren’t really supposed to move. You’ve been looking for two years and doing nothing for Yael!
“No, no, I swear to you that I was supposed to move to a different area in the first. Everything was already closed, I went to see the apartment, an amazing apartment, and then he also said he was looking, and then I said ‘OK…’, so I waited another month or two and we’ll see Where does this relationship go, and then we had such a terrible flow to go through together.”

Were two months enough for you? There was no panic of what am I doing after two months?
“But we moved together after four months.”

You kept it a secret for two months, the relationship?
“Obviously, take a moment to understand how it goes. You don’t announce relationships after a day.”

Well nearing completion, I’ll be Grandma Poland – is he the one?
“Inshallah. I wish. I wish him for myself.”

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