Liberia: Robbery gang breaks into church – கூட்ட நெரிசலில் சிக்கி 29 பேர் பலி | Liberia- robbers stormed a church, 29 people died in a stampede

by time news

A Christian worship service was held last Wednesday night at a Christian church in Monrovia, the capital of the West African country of Liberia. Then there was a great commotion and tension as a band of robbers with various weapons suddenly entered the church. Many people were killed in the stampede as people then fled to protect their belongings.


“This is a bad day for the country, 29 people have died in this unfortunate incident and many more have been admitted to the intensive care unit,” the Associated Information Minister, who went to meet the victims in person after the incident, said in a radio broadcast at a nearby hospital. The fact that such an incident has taken place in the Christian church itself has caused great tension among the people there. Police said they were investigating the incident and were investigating.

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