Liberman is furious: “Netanyahu has lost all shame, the appetite of Gfani Hamzari”

by time news

The Constitution Committee is expected to vote this morning (Wednesday) for the first reading on articles from the legal reform: Basic Law: The Judiciary – Judicial review of ordinary legislation and the superseding clause.

Chairman of the Yisrael Beitenu partyMK Avigdor Lieberman, spoke with Anat Davidov and Gideon Oko on 103FM and harshly attacked the coalition: I look at what the disconnected coalition is doing this morning. We have two Gafni laws, the interpretation clause and the hametz law. There is Deri’s law and Deri’s judicial review law, these are four laws that the coalition is currently dealing with. Exactly a week ago, the same coalition discussed Sara and Bibi’s makeup and hairstyle. This coalition is only concerned with itself, only with politicians. Netanyahu is cut off. If two weeks ago they convened the finance committee to discuss the two houses and the hair and make-up, he disconnected from reality, he doesn’t live in reality, he lost all shame.”

He also expressed support for the words of the former legal advisor, Avichai Mandelblit, last night against the reform of the judicial system. “Mandelblit is an extremist by birth. These people have no ideological background, the members of the coalition only care about themselves, therefore it has no right to exist. We also participate in these demonstrations, as far as Netanyahu is concerned, the Tel Avivians who protested against him were at least against him. A government that does not have public support will not last , when it loses it, it collapses. We already see fissures in the coalition. It’s threatening, there are many conflicts, not one is satisfied. Even Gafni, whose appetite for pork is unstoppable.”

Later, he expressed support for the death penalty bill for terrorists and said that the law was passed in preliminaries in 2018. We will vote for it. There is a fundamental question about whether it is a punishment or whether it is a deterrent. Every terrorist knows that the State of Israel has released more than 7.5 thousand terrorists, some of them the most brutal. Netanyahu lied and cheated, he will lie now too.”

At the end, Lieberman attacked the emerging budget and claimed that “no budget has been passed since 1996 in government meetings. It has never happened that ministers have voted on a blank page. To this day, they have not published the booklet with the budget. Everything is in Israel. We are on the way to the most acute economic crisis for what has happened Here in recent years. We are heading for a more severe economic crisis. The government that promised to fight the cost of living, what cost of living? There is no budget, we have not seen it. When you see a blank page, how can you talk about the budget? There is nothing.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, 103fm

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