Libyan participation within the African dialogue

by times news cr

2024-05-24 05:57:53

The Minister of Labor and Rehabilitation, Ali Al-Abed, participated within the convention launching the African-Gulf dialogue on regulating migrant employees, within the Qatari capital, Doha, with the participation of representatives of 33 international locations.

Throughout his speech, Al-Abed careworn the significance of governing the motion of expatriate labor, pointing to the measures taken by the Ministry to control the Libyan labor market and cut back unlawful overseas employees.

Al-Abed touched on the troublesome circumstances going through the Palestinian folks in Gaza because of the Israeli bombing, which led to tens of hundreds of Palestinian employees shedding their jobs and sources of livelihood.

The session was opened by the Minister of Labor of the State of Qatar, Ali bin Smaikh Al Marri, Ambassador Minata Samat, consultant of the African Union Fee for Well being, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Growth, and Mohammed Hassan Al Obaidli, Director Basic of the Govt Workplace of the Council of Labor Ministers and the Council of Ministers of Social Affairs of the Gulf Cooperation Council international locations, together with a variety of labor ministers. Arabs and Africans, representatives of the Worldwide Labor and Worldwide Migration organizations, the African Fee, civil society, specialists and lecturers.

Final up to date: Might 24, 2024 – 00:47

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2024-05-24 05:57:53

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