Libyans need an executive authority and their interest is above all considerations – Burnik Newspaper

by time news

The media, Engy Al-Qadi, conducted a special interview with the Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives, Counselor Aqila Saleh, which was broadcasted on the “Cairo News” channel. Burniq newspaper republishes the most important contents of the meeting, which dealt with the current events the country is going through, especially his recent meeting with the head of the State Consultative Council. This is in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

Egypt did not abandon Libya at any time

Counselor Aguila Saleh, Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives, said that Egypt has never given up on supporting Libya.

Counselor Aguila Saleh added that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is closely following the Libyan issue, stressing that Cairo plays a major role for the stability of Libya.

There is a big difference between a constitutional document and a constitutional rule

Counselor Aguila Saleh, Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives, explained that there is a big difference between the constitutional document and the constitutional rule.

Counselor Aguila Saleh denied the presence of any booby-trapped materials in the constitutional document that was approved in Cairo between the Libyan House of Representatives and the Supreme Council of State.

Counselor Aqila Saleh revealed that the constitutional document is not the first and last source of constitutional rules – any law issued by the legislative authority related to the system of government is a constitutional rule that can be built upon.

The Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives stated that he is seeking to bridge points of view on the controversial points in the presidential election law, and one or two articles remain to be agreed upon so that the draft law is referred to the Libyan House of Representatives and the Supreme State to take the necessary action.

External interference hinders the conduct of the presidential elections

Counselor Aguila Saleh, Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives, said that what hinders holding the presidential elections in Libya is the external interference that each party seeks to make things go according to its interests.

Counselor Aguila Saleh stressed the need to leave the matter to the Libyan people to choose their president, as every Libyan has the right to run for office, explaining that there is a state of rapprochement between Libyans, and he expects to reach an agreement on the correct constitutional path as soon as possible.

The Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives pointed out that there are some major differences in views regarding the elections, due to the expulsion of some personalities because they have dual nationalities or for their work in the armed forces.

Wealth must be distributed among Libyans in a fair way

Counselor Aguila Saleh, Speaker of the Libyan Parliament, said that it is the legitimate government that must gain the confidence of Parliament, and that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar; Because it is mandated by the House of Representatives, which has the authority and decision in this matter, and that the Libyan wealth must be distributed in a fair way so that all Libyans benefit from it, and rename the sovereign positions affiliated with Parliament and be subordinate to the legislative authority so that it can monitor the executive authority and prevent corruption.

Counselor Aguila Saleh added that the interference of international parties in the Libyan issue is clear, taking advantage of the state of division in the Libyan street, stressing that these interventions will end soon in light of the awakening of the Libyans, pointing out that the military militias obstructed the election process.

The Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives stated that the government of Al-Dabaiba did not close the doors of corruption in Libya and failed in its tasks and lost confidence and credibility, after it objected to the rulings of the judiciary in a dangerous precedent that did not occur. new government.

The African Union is involved in the Libyan reconciliation

Counselor Aguila Saleh, Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives, said that the African Union is intertwined in the Libyan reconciliation, indicating that it came late, and he wished to be present from the beginning; Because he is closer to knowing the composition of the Libyan people and the African peoples, and he is working on preparing for an inclusive conference for the Libyans.

And the Speaker of the Libyan Parliament continued, that the United Nations did not provide a solution to the Libyan crisis, and it is not believed throughout its history that it has solved any issue or problem, but it suffices with intervention and denunciation, and gives its interests priority, stressing that the Libyan people preserve the interests of everyone and respect their commitments and interests, and take into account the interests of states. Because it is also linked to Libya’s interests in oil exploration, trade and reconstruction.

The Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives affirmed that Libya is not against anyone, and affirms full respect for its obligations, but Libyan sovereignty belongs to the Libyans and is not dictated by anyone. Because they are a people who wrested their independence from more than half of their population, and they cannot abandon it as a result of any interests, but we accept advice and dialogue.

The need for the United Nations to respect the constitutional declaration that the country is following so far

Counselor Aguila Saleh, Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives, said that he is looking forward to holding general elections at any time, explaining that an agreement is currently underway on the laws regulating the electoral process.

Counselor Aguila Saleh added that the Libyans need an executive authority, indicating that the interests of the Libyans must be placed above all considerations.

He explained that the Libyan parliament issued laws electing the president and the parliament, and the elections would have taken place had it not been for the statement of Emad Al-Sayeh, head of the High Electoral Commission, that there was a force majeure preventing the elections from being held, stressing that there was no legal or constitutional reason preventing them from being held.

Counselor Aguila Saleh stated that, after the agreement between the Libyan House of Representatives and the Supreme Council of the State, the elections will be held before next November, in light of the need for the electoral process to be equipped to educate citizens of its importance and accept its results, indicating that the elections are not an end but rather a means of a system of security and stability.

The Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives stressed the need for the United Nations to respect the constitutional declaration that the country has been following so far, indicating that the House of Representatives will form a committee of experts to discuss solutions to the Libyan crisis.

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