lickable tv screen: Want to know the taste of food on TV? ഇനി സ്ക്രീൻ നക്കിയാൽ മതി – japanese professor develops lickable tv screen that lets to taste the flavor of food

by time news


  • The professor has arranged a carousel of 10 flavor canisters on the TV to enhance the taste of each dish.
  • These flavors combine to create the flavor of the food.
  • It then converts to a clean film on a flat TV screen

You are watching TV. Photo of a dish on the screen. Suddenly you wanted to know the taste of that dish. What will you do? If your answer is ‘what to do, calm down by water’, you will get a taste of the dish on display by tapping on the screen of a TV set made by a professor in Japan.

Named Taste the TV or TTTV, the prototype was developed by Homi Miyashita, a professor at the prestigious Meiji University in Japan. The professor says his invention is a step towards a real multisensory viewing experience.

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The professor has arranged a carousel of 10 flavor canisters on the TV to enhance the taste of each dish. These flavors combine to create the flavor of the food. It then converts to a clean film on a flat TV screen. Then a person licking the screen gets the taste on the tongue. Miyashita believes that this technology will help people connect and interact even over long distances.

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“The goal is to make it possible for people to feel like eating at a restaurant on the other side of the world, even at home,” the Japanese researcher told Reuters. While the idea of ​​a lickable TV screen may seem silly, Homi Miyashita is convinced that it is part of the future of mankind. The Japanese professor envisions a world where people can “download” the fragrances they see on TV and recreate them with the Flavor Canister carousel. The professor also says that tastes around the world will create a platform where viewers can download and sample.

Miyashita told reporters that if his Taste-the-TV goes on sale now, it will cost about 100,000 yen (approximately Rs 65,624) to build. But for the time being there are no plans to introduce Taste-the-TV to the commercial market.


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