Lieberman threatens to delay the dissolution of the Knesset: “Absurd”

by time news

Benzi Robin, Knitted News29.06.22 13:01 L. Basivan Tishpev

Lieberman threatens to delay the dissolution of the Knesset:

Photo: Yonatan Zindel / Flash 90

Hours before the expected dissolution of the Knesset, Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman threatens to delay the legislative process, around the “Metro Law” crisis.

Having not yet been reached that will allow the approval of the Metro Law on second and third reading and allow the promotion of the huge project, Lieberman presses all parties to reach a compromise, and criticizes his coalition members.

Following disagreements, the Knesset plenum went on hiatus until further notice.

In a vote that took place at noon on the issue of party funding, the members of Yisrael Beiteinu were the only ones who opposed, and now he announces that he will take steps to delay the dispersal.

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“Put all political considerations aside”

A statement from him read: “The Yisrael Beiteinu party voted against the Knesset dissolution law as a sign of protest that they were unable to reach agreements on the Metro Law and pass it in the second and third readings before the dissolution.”

“We intend to submit hundreds of reservations about the Knesset Dissolution Law and the absurdity called” increasing party funding “before their final transfer and make every effort to pass the Metro Law that comes to deal most significantly with traffic jams and at the same time address housing and employment challenges in Israel.”

(Photo: Hadas Porush / Flash 90)

“In these moments, I expect, at least, all my members in the coalition to put all political considerations aside and act solely for the benefit of the national interest.”

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