Life-changing Surgery: Restoring Hope and Enhancing Beauty After Cancer Treatment

by time news

2023-09-30 12:54:00
Surgery Restores Life, Revives Patient’s Heart after Cancer Treatment

Bangmod Hospital’s Cosmetic Surgery Center has been making waves in the medical community with their groundbreaking cosmetic surgery procedures. Dr. Thananchai Assadamongkol, the director of the center and a renowned plastic surgery specialist, shared his expertise on the effects of cosmetic surgery on cancer patients.

According to Dr. Thananchai, cosmetic surgery can be classified into three groups based on its impact on cancer risk. Group 1 includes procedures that neither increase nor decrease the risk of cancer. For example, patients who undergo silicone breast augmentation do not experience a higher or lower chance of developing breast cancer. However, it is vital for these patients to get regular screenings to detect any potential signs early.

Group 2 consists of procedures that actually decrease the risk of cancer. For instance, patients with large breasts who undergo breast reduction surgery are less likely to develop breast cancer since excess breast tissue is removed. Similarly, individuals who choose to have gender reassignment surgery, which results in the complete removal of all breast tissue, eliminate the risk of breast cancer entirely.

Group 3, on the other hand, encompasses procedures that increase the risk of cancer due to the use of inferior materials or substances. Patients who opt for low-quality injections, such as liquid silicone, run the risk of developing hard lumps or even skin cancer in the long run. The importance of using high-quality materials certified by medical authorities cannot be stressed enough.

Dr. Thananchai also highlighted an interesting study that examined the incidence of breast cancer in patients with silicone breast implants. The results showed that both patients with and without silicone implants had similar chances of developing breast cancer. However, those with implants were more likely to detect lumps early due to regular check-ups and screenings, leading to better outcomes.

To ensure safe surgery, Dr. Thananchai emphasized three crucial factors. Firstly, patients should choose high-quality materials that meet medical standards and certifications. Secondly, they should select a skilled surgeon specializing in cosmetic surgery. Lastly, safety should be the top priority, and patients should have a thorough understanding of the procedure and its potential risks.

Dr. Thananchai also discussed the role of surgery in cancer patients’ lives. With advancements in medical technology, most cancer treatments can now be successfully completed. Once patients have been cured or their symptoms have improved, cosmetic surgery can help improve their physical and mental well-being.

For breast cancer patients, surgery can involve the creation of artificial breasts and nipple reconstruction after a mastectomy. However, the decision to undergo surgery depends on the stage of breast cancer and should be discussed with a specialist. In cases where the breast tissue can be completely removed without requiring radiation or chemotherapy, immediate silicone implants can be inserted. However, for patients with more advanced stages of breast cancer, implants are added only after radiation or chemotherapy have been completed.

Dr. Thananchai shared a heartwarming story about a patient who sought help after facing the detrimental effects of cancer treatment. The patient’s face had lost its youthful appearance due to weight loss during treatment, resulting in wrinkles beyond their age. Traveling all the way from the United States, the patient sought advice from Dr. Thananchai, who recommended a facelift. The surgery involved extracting fat from the abdomen and thighs and injecting it into the face, along with other techniques to restore plumpness and improve skin quality. The patient was delighted with the results, and their improved appearance brought happiness and a higher quality of life.

Dr. Thananchai concluded by emphasizing the profound impact of surgery on patients, not just in terms of physical appearance but also mental and emotional well-being. Patients who choose cosmetic surgery not only do it for themselves but also for the people around them, as they want others to see their improved faces and witness their journey towards a better quality of life.

In light of these advancements in surgical techniques, patients can find solace in the fact that surgery can effectively restore life and revive the heart even after cancer treatment.]
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