“Life made easy”-From: Unfair scandal in “The Biggest Loser” – TV

by time news

If Nico (20, starting weight 178.0 kilos) and co-candidate Sven (40, starting weight 178.0 kilos) were still a couple in the past two weeks on “Life made easy – The Biggest Loser”, they had to compete against each other this week enter duel mode.

Coach Ramin (49) was surprised by the new mode: “I thought that was yet to come!” However, the former kickboxing world champion was also happy: “I think some people are a bit too comfortable in pair mode felt and now in duel mode you have to do a little bit more again.”

For example Nico and Sven!

Because coach Ramin wasn’t satisfied with Nico’s performance during training. Ramin to Nico on the treadmill: “Nico, how fast are you running right now? 5.5 km/h? Have you ever run faster in training? Not really? Then it’s time for you to try it now. So now you’re at 6.5…Sven’s at 8.0!”

Sven heard that and set his treadmill up to 9.0!

Unfair? His challenge: “In duel mode, you show beforehand who the top dog is here.” Nico could hardly keep up and went limp as the training progressed. Sven confident about Nico: “I think he benefited really well from me for the two weeks, that I pulled him along.”

Camp chick Nico was visibly broken after training and had tears in his eyes: “It’s tough, but you have to go through it.”

Photo: SAT.1

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Coach Ramin Abtin (middle) cheers on Nico during trainingPhoto: SAT.1

And a few days later Nico was crying again. The candidates moved to other accommodation at short notice. And Nico had to sleep in the living room! Nico pissed off in front of all the candidates: “Sven just didn’t want me to sleep in his room and then I should sleep on the small sofa in the lounge.”

Sven defended himself: “The bed over there is L-shaped. I either sleep head to head with Nico or head to toe – I find that very difficult.”

Candidate Philipp (30, starting weight 198.2 kilos) suspected something completely different behind Sven’s behavior: tactics! Philipp’s analysis: “I believe that Sven is very intelligent. He knows how Nico ticks, he knows how to upset him or hurt him. In any case, these are the two to three percentage points that Nico is concerned with and which he can then use to win the duel.

This time, in the weekly challenge, contestants had to surface numbers at the bottom of a pool. Here, too, shreds flew between Sven and Nico!

Bei der Challenge kämpfte Sven mit unfairen Mitteln gegen NicoPhoto: SAT.1

” data-zoom-src=”https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/bei-der-challenge-kaempfte-sven-mit-unfairen-mittel-gegen-nico-b0dad169d9fa412d96c4db2f073472e7-79297168/Bild/2.bild. jpeg”/>

At the challenge, Sven fought Nico with unfair meansPhoto: SAT.1

Coach Ramin was aware that this duel duo would have its problems: “I think Nico and Sven is a bit of an unequal duel. I don’t think Nico can switch quickly from this pair mode, which he felt very comfortable in, where Sven was the big brother, the support, the big support and now it’s the opponent.”

Ramin then observed the fight between the two critically: “Sven is already pushing him away.”

Sven’s trainer Sigrid also stated: “I didn’t like the way Sven treated Nico. I really noticed that he pushes the limits a bit and he really doesn’t leave any room for Nico. He didn’t quite play fair cards.”

And Sven? He was sure: “I think everything was still okay.” The good soul Nico still couldn’t understand Sven’s behavior: “In team mode he was completely different and then he completely turned around… “

Eiszeit-Stimmung zwischen Sven (li.) und Nico (re.) vor der wöchentlichen WaagePhoto: SAT.1

” data-zoom-src=”https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/eiszeit-stimmung-between-sven-li–und-nico-re–vor-der-weekentlichen- Waage-d189f54298f042b6ba70afbd53fa381d-79297268/ image/2.image.jpg”/>

Ice Age mood between Sven (left) and Nico (right) in front of the weekly weigh-inPhoto: SAT.1

In the deciding round, Sven pushed hard again – Nico lost and couldn’t get a weight bonus for himself. He disappointed: “So if he hadn’t hit my elbow in the face, I would have grabbed the number even before him.”

Should have, should have, should have – Nico only lost 2.8 kilos on the scales. Sven put down an impressive 5.5 kilos.

Sven freut sich sichtlich über seine Abnahme von 5,5 Kilo in der neunten WochePhoto: SAT.1

” data-zoom-src=”https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/sven-freut-sich-sicht-ueber-seine-abnahme-von-5-5-kilo-in-der-ninten-woche- 661a44ae82994ba2a1543bbc6901d2fb-79297284/Bild/2.bild.jpg”/>

Sven is visibly happy about his loss of 5.5 kilos in the ninth weekPhoto: SAT.1

BU: Für Kandidat Philipp (li.) und Nico (re.) war die Zeit im Camp mit Chefin Christine Theiss (mi.) vorbeiPhoto: SAT.1

” data-zoom-src=”https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/bu-fuer-kandidat-philipp-li–und-nico-re–war-die-zeit-im-camp-mit- boss-christine-theiss-mi–c92576655fb84bd4889bbb19693fc3d0-79297288/Bild/2.bild.jpg”/>

Caption: The time at the camp with boss Christine Theiss (middle) was over for candidate Philipp (left) and Nico (right).Photo: SAT.1

For Nico, the time on “The Biggest Loser” was over. He solidified: “I’m very proud of myself.”

Sven will fight next week against his new duel partner Benni (32, starting weight 137.0 kilos). Then hopefully fairer.

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