Life sentence for the murderer of a rancher in the Cuban province of Cienfuegos – 2024-02-15 22:20:57

by times news cr

2024-02-15 22:20:57

The Court of Cienfuegos imposed a life sentence on an individual who was found guilty of the murder of a Cuban rancher residing in the town of Juraguá, in the municipality of Abreus, in that province in the center of the Island. The news was released this Tuesday night in a report from Canal Caribe, which does not mention the name of the victim or the culprits.

Due to the details that the news program offers about the murdered man, killed while defending himself from the theft of one of his cattle, and about the place of the events, Juraguá, in the Cienfuegos municipality of Abreus, it is the case of Yordany Díaz, who The official media did not report, but the independent ones did.

The event was initially reported on social networks, on January 11, 2023, by user Alejo Bermúdez, who said that Yordany was beheaded, presumably with a knife that was shown on television information among the evidence collected.

As Ariday Arteaga Fonseca, criminal instructor of the Cienfuegos Criminal Unit, explained to Canal Caribe, the investigations carried out by the Ministry of the Interior “demonstrated” the involvement of four individuals in the crime of theft and slaughter of livestock, one of whom committed the murder.

The investigations carried out by the Ministry of the Interior “demonstrated” the involvement of four individuals in the crime of theft and slaughter of livestock, one of whom committed the murder.

Yaranaicy Figueredo Muñoz, provincial prosecutor of Cienfuegos, said that the three accused only of theft and slaughter of livestock “were evaluated individually taking into account that their crime affects only the economic order of the nation” and, therefore, They were sentenced to lesser sentences than life imprisonment. Although the report does not specify the sanctions, the Cuban Penal Code punishes the crime of slaughtering large livestock with sentences of between 4 and 10 years of imprisonment.

As happened with this crime, the official press has not echoed the rise in complaints made by ranchers on different digital platforms nor that many have decided to sell their cattle due to the fear aroused by violence related to theft and slaughter. cattle.

In the Facebook group Fincas y Vacas en Cuba, complaints about this are recurring. This Tuesday, user Yoandi Almira Cuellar demanded a law that punishes this crime more severely.

“It is time to unite and ask the relevant authorities for a law for the greatest evil that affects livestock. It is neither drought nor diseases, it is livestock thieves who enjoy absolute immunity,” he explained in Fincas y Vacas in Cuba Almira Cuéllar, who also said that in her 45 years of life she has dedicated more than half to working with livestock.

Statistics related to livestock theft have suffered an excessive increase in recent years. In 2023, losses amounted to more than 155,000 cattle, 360% more than what was recorded in 2021 (33,690 heads). In 2022, there were 82,445 cases of theft and slaughter, equivalent to 22 million pounds of meat.

As of February 15, the sale and purchase movements of larger livestock will be paralyzed. An order from the Ministry of Agriculture with the purpose of starting a census on March 1. The objective of this special control is to quantify the existing heads on the Island and carry out a characterization of the sector in the country.


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