Lights, shadows and scandals of a year in the Colombian presidency of Gustavo Petro

by time news

2023-08-07 07:52:00

“We are here against the forecast that we were never going to govern, against those who did not want to give up power, but we did it, we made the impossible possible. If we could, we will,” he said Gustavo Petro on August 7, 2022, at its zero hour as president, the first leftist in Colombian history. at the time of compliance one year of managementThose who support and hate him, those who broke down along the way and those who never believed him, make their first assessments of what “could” and what “could” never come to fruition. Petro and Francia Márquez, his vice president, a social fighter of Afro-Colombian origin, were elected with more than 11 million votes. “Colombia is different,” said the former M-19 guerrilla to try to illustrate the power of the changes that would come and that are currently encountering unexpected obstacles. Colombia is “other” although for the least expected reasons. “From heaven to hell: if the first year was difficult, the next one will be even more so,” the magazine said on purpose. Change.

“During these twelve months, the president has put on the table multiple debates, several of them untouchable until recently. From the economic model to compulsory military service and the persecution of coca, going through the role of banks, the media or the police. Today we are also more aware than a year ago about racism, climate change or inequality,” said the portal The empty chair.

The Government’s inventory generates, however, a new balance between the lights and shadows, due to the scandal involving his son Nicolás, accused of illicit enrichment and money laundering. The legal case threatens to drag down the president himself. Not just because he could be impeached if the conservative offensive succeeds. The past year is now inevitably observed through the prism of that episode. The family soap opera has relegated to the background the debate on the progress of an ambitious roadmap, which includes the materialization of the “full peace” of a country that experienced an internal conflict with 270.000 muertos and an urban and rural violence that does not stop. The price of these zigzags is paid in politics. Petro, who took office with the support of 56% of the population, is now disapproved by 61%, according to the latest Invamer Poll survey.

new adversities

“Here they are not debating innocuous laws. You are in the center of the country and it is important that you are clear about the position of the Government. What do you want and where are you going?“, said the president on July 20 when he inaugurated a legislative period of Congress for the first time. That speech sounded like a sermon in the ears of his adversaries. The scandal has opened the doors of a institutional crisis of proportions. The relations of force do not favor him in a Congress that could become the scene of a formal accusation against him. The ex-guerrilla lacks a majority after breaking with his centrist allies, due to programmatic and tactical disagreements. Each initiative must traverse roads that have become more winding and steep since last week. Petro managed to carry out his tax reformwhich will allow it to increase social spending in a country with 40% poor and tries to move forward with the transformations in agriculture. The president did not have the same luck with the reforms of the health and labor systems. The reformist horizon, the pending subjects, are subordinated to a different present.

internal turbulence

With the recent appointment of Ómar Andrés Camacho as the new head of Mines and Energy, the era of gender parity in the cabinet is over. In one year, the president has made 11 ministerial adjustments that have been undermining the initial idea of ​​plurality. Of the 19 ministers, 15 correspond to the closest circle of affinities of him. Personal closeness has not always been a guarantee of permanence in the Government. Laura Sarabiahis right-hand man, must have abandoned him in the middle of a brawl with Armando Benedetti, the then ambassador in Caracas, which had the air of a soap opera, spy novel, and illegal wiretapping.

Benedetti had been an important battering ram in the process of normalizing relations with Venezuela. Petro has tried to be an important piece in the complex web of negotiations between his colleague Nicolas Maduro and the opposition to channel the political conflict that dates back to 2014. His intentions to establish himself as the great mediator faded over the months.

As part of his schedule of “total peace“has reached a ceasefire for 180 days with the National Liberation Army (ELN), the last guerrilla in activity, of a Guevarist nature. It is also trying to integrate into the dialogue table the factions of the ex-FARC that did not abandon the weapons, not without controversy. Petro appointed Alexander Farfán Suárez, alias Gafas, as “peace manager” in the face of those armed dissidents. Nothing less than the insurgent who had been jailer of Ingrid Betancourt. “It is the symbol of all the suffering of the victims,” ​​said the former captive. She also aroused criticism for the appointment to the same functions, but before the far-right paramilitaries, who had been one of their bloodthirsty bosses, Salvatore Mancuso.

drugs and environment

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In addition, the government is trying to negotiate with drug gangs, as part of a radical change of approach. Ambition is Petro’s trademark. And his drug policy bears that stamp, looking forward to 2024. His project to remove Colombia from the list of countries that are large coca producers and cocaine exporters includes substantial transformations in the territories. Leaf growers reported the daily The viewer, they will not be legally prosecuted and may have lands that come from the extinction of domain. The presidential project involves substantial changes in the approach to public health. Early detection of problems due to the consumption of psychoactive substances will be sought. At the same time, spaces for care and consumption are contemplated to reduce risks.

Unlike other of his Latin American colleagues, Petro has placed an emphasis on the environmental issue and the need for the countries of the region to abandon their extractivist policies. “What will our children be in 20 years? The lives of our grandchildren are irreversible if we don’t do something in this decade. It’s not apocalyptic, it’s science,” he said days ago, citing the scarcity of water in Montevideo, Uruguay as an alarming example. Colombia, he has insisted, must become a “world power of life” and a strict defender of biodiversity The way to achieve that goal is still uncertain.”Should it be with socialism? Does it have to do with capitalism? We haven’t found the answer yet. We cannot say yes or no. The path that we propose has two pillars: environmental justice and social justice.” The presidential rhetoric is now put to the test in a cracked scenario.

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